
I could be in the minority here, I dunno. But there’s too much Star Wars in Fortnite.

I can honestly say that I had never heard of this game until just now.

Let’s brawl it out. Winner gets a hollow feeling and false sense of pride.

To get laid.

Well that and when Petra basically gives her ‘fuck me’ eyes, Aloy’s reaction is less cold. She’s still disinterested romantically, but she seems friendlier about it.

The only legitimate reason to review bomb this DLC is that Aloy isn’t pursuing Talanah instead.

Sure, yeah. Let me just change the entire goal of the channel, go and find animators I need to pay with money I don’t have, hire lawyers to claim ownership of a new IP, apply for a business license with even more cash and develop an entirely new skillset tangentially related to the one I had making videos about a

Because that’s not how it works.

This is unfortunately how it happens. There’s zero need for the copyright holder to contact you in any way with how Youtube is set up.

I get that he’s going to be a lightning rod for some time and I absolutely think he’s going to be changed, but I hope people can just kinda relax while we all figure this stuff out.

Not really, no. The pull is very quick and, speaking for myself at least, I don’t really recognize that I’m being pulled until midway through the animation. Even if you interact with it, you’d still be pulled out of position and in the middle of whatever cooldown you have.

My problem with Lifeweaver players last night was that almost none of the Life Grips used on me were good ones. Now, I’m solo-queuing with no mic, and this was the first day he was publicly available, so obviously there are going to be growing pains and miscommunications, but I can only remember twice in about 5hrs

Oh my God this conversation is making me dumber, I swear.

What’s weird is, when I was talking about the game with friends, I said I have zero complaints about the game at all except for a few specific voices they cast, with Ada being at the top of the list. It wasn’t anything that ruined the game, obviously, and it’s not the voice actor’s fault in the least— Capcom chose to

Best Buy is still much better on the whole. The only reason I still shop at Gamestop is I’m friends with three different store managers in the area. They give me the hookups and let me know when preorders go live.

Preorders at physical stores are always refundable. So unless you’re financially strapped and know you want the game day one, there’s no reason not to do it. Especially for limited editions like this one. If you change your mind, just take back your money.

I have a theory.

Well duh. It’s a PS5! Zing!

Now playing

Funny thing is he has more range than that. He’s just rarely cast for anything else. Similar problem that Laura Bailey has.

It has nothing to do with her “range”, though. Many voice actors have range. Greg Chun has zero range but gets cast constantly for major roles too.