
Just in my workplace of about 20 total people, there are at minimum five people I know who love Chik-Fil-A, are unapologetically “Christian” and love alternative foods like this because they’re convinced they’re allergic to almost everything and want to brag about how many substitutes they can cram into a single meal.

Is the game worth $70 without the DLC? That’s the question you should be asking yourself.

Yeah, I’m aware. I work in furniture and everything is more expensive now than when I started.

I’m fine with a price increase if it means that you get the entire game for that price.

You have to remember though that the common consumer is not going to buy a Steam Deck with the goal of emulating. While the Steam Deck is direct competition for Switch in a hardcore gamer space, it’s really not in the grander retail space where casual players, parents, Nintendo diehards and the general populace shop

According to AestheticGamer1, the scrapped RE7 game featured a Telltale Games-inspired choice mechanic that, during crucial moments, would’ve stopped time and led to branching pathways in the game’s level design.

I’m not hyperventilating or unfairly judging. This seems to be a very specific change to the organization of the menu that further emphasizes another major change in gameplay evidenced by the video and other rumblings from leakers. I’m aware that the UI is one of the last things finalized, but there has been no DA

Am I blind or did this article not actually link to the full patch notes?

I heavily doubt it due to the camera positioning, the enemy animation and the total lack of companion statuses in the HUD. If the skyview camera and tactical gameplay were still an emphasis, at the very least, you should be able to see your companions’ health bars and statuses.

The fact that it’s unknown is why I’m positive it didn’t. If it had beaten DA:O in sales, they would’ve bragged about it. And its sharp drop-off from sales charts after the first couple weeks implies a poor word of mouth, meaning fewer copies produced and distributed. Add in the fact that there was no “GOTY” edition

Maybe this will let you switch between characters like in Inquisition but even I still feel like the game has me too focused on just the main character.

Really? Because this looks nothing like Inquisition to me.

What bothers me the most from this whole leak doesn’t seem to be touched on much.

I’m not arguing against your first point because I agree, but:

According to Mark Darrah from awhile back (I don’t know where to find it off the top of my head, going by memory here) he predicted that Dragon Age would gravitate away from the overhead camera tactical gameplay entirely because it took so much more time and resources to make than a more typical action-oriented

Even though they’re both Bioware, Mass Effect and Dragon Age are two totally different beasts. Always have been.

Mass Effect 2's combat simply modernized its shooter mechanics to match Gears of War and simplified the RPG skill trees to the barest minimum to be accessible. The reason it was needed, though, was that Mass Effect 1 released when there wasn’t really a standardized control setup for combat, and Bioware didn’t know how

I was following that thread (is that what they’re called on Twitter? discussion? tweetbang?) yesterday and one of the most interesting bits I’d never heard before was that “Anders” isn’t even his real name. We’ve never been given his name. When he was first dragged into the Circle, he refused to speak, and since no

I think the expectations of a game going forever (or at least much longer) stem from microtransactions.

I find it hilarious that there are multiple $49.99 games listed as options.