
Yeah, I’m hoping that once the race for Charizard dies down, we get to see more creative solutions like that.


Also....learn to use something besides belly drum Azu or Iron Hands. You’ll be more successful in the long run.

That’s a lot of the internet right now, actually! Everyone’s best pokemon is the one they hypertained for Charizard specifically, so every 6-star lobby I go into has mostly Azumarill, Sylveon, Gardevoir and Iron Hands, even when those pokemon choices clearly do not work for the raid in question.

Raids are supposed to follow a certain pattern. In an even fight, players get to perform about two attacks each before the Pokémon pulls in some manner of energy around it and buffs its HP bar with a chunk of crystal.

Hopefully this means some big creative leap for their next game— or even better, a better work environment with less crunch. I loved MKX and Injustice, but MK11 and Injustice 2 both underwhelmed when it came to gameplay. They had more stuff, they looked prettier, but I played them for a much, much shorter timeframe

Have to agree. The Fortnite BP is surprisingly chock full of great things every season, and gives you back all you spent in currency if you complete it.

Far as I’ve ever seen, it’s always been the developers.

One thing I know they patched out was the item duplication method you guys reported on a few days ago.

Okay, de-aging the face, fine.

I don’t find myself disagreeing with Kotaku reviews very often, and this is the first one in recent memory that I just kind of outright disagreed with.

Right? I remember the promotional Terminator skin for Gears 5, and how everyone on the Locust side would be using it, turning PvP into COG vs. Terminators because the T-800 skin was just stupidly advantageous. It didn’t have any voice lines and replicated the mechanical step sounds of the COG Deebee, meaning you lose

Nintendo chooses to identify only one of the fixes, and it couldn’t be more trivial

You don’t have to be literally the only possible choice for every consumer to be a monopoly

and iPhones don’t even make up the dominant share of smartphone usage.

I will never understand the “30% tax” and “monopoly” argument against the App Store or whatever it’s called. (I don’t actually use Apple products, full disclosure.)

The “XBOX” code no longer works and is no longer advertised on the product. It’s still $240, but you don’t get the $40 credit anymore.

The “XBOX” code no longer works and is no longer advertised on the product. It’s still $240, but you don’t get the

1-2 Switch and Super Mario Party are the only two games I can think of that took advantage of the portability in a gameplay way. There were modes in each of those games that required you to lay the console down flat on the floor.

I agree, but I think Nintendo didn’t initially want to do that out of fear of splitting the games in two sections, “portable-friendly” and “not portable-friendly”. If you want to really sell consumers on a gimmick, you need it to apply to every game. It’s why Xbox forced Kinect onto the XB1: they wanted games to use

Same. I believe the reports about a “Switch Pro” dev kit being sent to developers, only for there to be no “Switch Pro” in the end. If Sony and Microsoft couldn’t keep up with demand on their consoles, how would a simultaneous third console hope to keep up?