
Being honest, I only play Nintendo exclusives on Switch, because anything I could play on better hardware instead, I will. The portability factor really doesn’t do much of anything for me since I hardly ever travel. It sits in my dock 90% of the time, and the other 10% is plane rides or sitting on the couch farming

Which is a real shame because I really liked Windows Phone. Its only fault, IMO, was a hindered and lackluster storefront because they couldn’t convince anyone to develop for it. The UI was quick and snappy in a time when Android and iPhone just kept getting bloated. I still use a Windows Phone UI for my Android

Unlike previous games in the Pokémon mainline series, Scarlet and Violet have made fan-favorite Eevee pretty tricky to catch. Only popping up in a scant few tiny areas, and with very low spawn rates, trying to evolve the octet of Eeveelutions has never been harder.

Securing exclusive franchises is a tactic as old as the industry itself. Sony’s entire business model in the PS1 era was to lock down exclusivity with former Nintendo and Sega partners to pull away major IPs like Final Fantasy and everything made by EA Sports. They’ve also directly aided with funding games to ensure

On release day, I stopped by my buddy’s Gamestop at the mall after work to pick up a copy. I figured it would be a quick in and out, like it always is. The mall here isn’t nearly as popular as it used to be, and most times that I stop by there are maybe 4-6 people in the store, half of them parents who are just

No, because of SFxTK and other games from the time (mostly Capcom). Western aides were pleading for Capcom to not put this information on the disc and instead just pay the fees to host larger scale content on the XBL/PSN marketplaces, but Capcom said, “What’s the worst that could happen?”

I think they’re saying that only calling one side bullshit is disingenuous, and I’m inclined to agree.

In summary of the collective internet consciousness:

That’s about what I figured. I’ll probably hunt for shinies of my favorites, level up until it’s boring, and wait for inevitable DLC.

I came down to the comments to say basically this, and you said it better than I would have. A+, no notes.

Yeah! Playing with my brother and cousin and just dicking around together was incredibly fun. Like, there’s a good game in here even with its inherent problems.

That’s impressive! I think I get bitched at more than that for playing Brigitte. Actually, I got bitched at just last night for picking Brigitte.

In her opinion it’s a waste of potential without side quests, so you’re forced to do all the gyms/bases/Titans but without the benefit of a linear path to guide you through it.

Typical press reporting both sides of an multifaceted story, amirite?

Yeah but when you get to the end of the match and Moira somehow has <2000 damage healed, you basically played without a healer.

Same, but I do recognize this as the worst performing Pokemon game I’ve played. Basically, nothing game breaking, but definitely immersion breaking and mildly annoying.

It’s the same thing all over again, but it’s getting louder.

It’s all about profit. But not in the internet “down with capitalism” way. Literally profit margins.

playing moira as a healer

Pronouns. What the heck is a pronoun? I