
I definitely don’t think it’s exaggerated, and the game isn’t great with its optimization. If this were a fighting game or FPS or something that required immediate reaction time, this would be unplayable. And I’ve had enough shadow pop-ins and chugging framerate drops to know that, like, this is a very legitimate

Interestingly I’m 21hrs in and have really only encountered terrible framerate and one game crash. All the other issues I’ve seen on social media haven’t happened yet. (I say “yet” because I’m sure my game isn’t immune and it’ll happen.)

I joined my brother and cousin yesterday after they’d just started and my main pokemon team was in their lv.30s. This was my experience:

Again. Monster Hunter Rise is right there.

And that’s totally valid. I’ve come to actually prefer 5v5 over 6v6, but I prefer open queue where you can decide your team makeup, rather than the strict 1 tank 2 DPS 2 support dynamic. I should also note that I gave up on OW1 for two and a half years before coming back, so it’s kind of fresh again for me.

The core gameplay is still fun, challenging and different in every game. So, like, I like OW2. But everything outside of that core gameplay loop leaves so much to be desired. So I really hope they make substantial changes in season 3.

No he wouldn’t. She’s black, queer, female and a WNBA star. This is the man who tanked the USFL because he wanted to be in the NFL. And the majority of his base likely sees her being detained as an “own the libs” moment anyway.

I remember in college, back when Facebook was still fairly new and MySpace had just died, my friend wanted to set me up with this girl from his class. He gave her my name so she could look me up on Facebook and see if she wanted him to set up a date.

Oh, I have none. It’s just extremely obvious.

While the hardware is tricky, these issues aren’t due to hardware limitations. They’re due to The Pokemon Company prioritizing the release date over the game’s well-being.

It’s not a ‘different address’, though. That’s the address. It’s just a confusing address as the landlord didn’t do his due diligence to make sure Google maps shows it as being in the parking lot, rather than the street corner. The street corner the map takes the driver to isn’t an address at all. So in the delivery

I assume you have a job and yet you found the time to write this comment.

My roommates were in the room and we were talking about how Mei’s return was delayed as I was booting up Overwatch. Mid-conversation as we made fun of the situation, I pull up the store, we see the skin for a character not even in the game, and we all just bust out laughing.

Daily and weekly challenges will reset today, as well as the standard shop refresh.

I didn’t go to business school, but I’ll never understand the idea of cutting a workforce because a smaller workforce could “probably do okay anyway.”

Huh. This might explain a change in drivers since last week, actually.

That’s my take, too.

That’s definitely an option. They offer returns up to 30 days for new items.

Sweet. Wish I could play it.

Yeah, agreed on all points. What the game REALLY needs is more varied modes and some sort of team-based mode in particular. It’s really hard to convince anyone else to play it with you when the only option is FFA solo-queuing.