
SBMM has an inherent problem not in that it exists, but that people on the whole refuse to believe their ranking they’re given and don’t understand that, at some point in their progression, they will encounter people who are better than they are. That’s just the law of averages.

Tangential story I feel like sharing:

Because the wait times are five minutes and my time to play is short.

So, I actually really enjoy playing support roles. But I’m starting to genuinely get sick of them due to feeling forced to play them.

and report issues with framerate drops and other aspects of the game’s performance


Yeah but the BSN forums have been down since like 2015. So I’m genuinely curious what the servers are even for at this point.

Dragon Age: Origins (Multiplayer Screenshots Server)

Only tangentially related, but: What the hell is up with RE:Verse?

He said he’s voluntarily leaving a few weeks ago, I think.

Is anyone else running into ads now that get in the way of article text? It’s been happening to me all week.

Most company CEOs are extroverted workaholics, and that oftentimes leads to a toxic shift in their viewpoint where they perceive anyone else who doesn’t share their overzealous commitment to the work (or “the mission” as they like to call it) as being lazy or unappreciative (while conveniently forgetting that, as

So, this is on a MUCH smaller scale, but I’ve directed an animated show on Youtube for the last six years, and in total we have approximately 18 voice actors, including myself. But every single actor is different. Some come very prepared and on-time to recording sessions, some come without even reading the script

She could have raised all of this publicly (or leaked it) when the game was still in development, to give her leverage, but instead she decided to take her shot a week before release. Why?

Adding to your point, there are a lot of VAs who only seldom work in video games, despite having major roles that would in theory give them access to similarly large roles. I assume it’s due to interest or lifestyle or work schedules; something just keeps them away from videogames specifically.

Yes but the AI art could only be published first in this case because they were able to screen cap an in-progress view of the live streamed art. If it weren’t streamed, then the AI generated art couldn’t have been posted before the artist’s work in the first place.

Like others have said in this comments section, I am by no means an “Overwatch pro,” but I know what I’m doing and like to think I’m competent at the game. I really enjoy it, and I put some 300+ hours into OW1 in its first two and a half years before dropping it. Came back, got into it again like riding a bike.

Same thing I came to the comments section for.

Ah, sick! A skin for a character I never play!

Two things. One: