
I wonder if there’s any correlation at all with how often D.Va is picked in-game.

Zero Dawn had some very bad, stilted NPC conversation animations that honestly looked worse than Mass Effect 1.

Yeah, I’m not saying it was a stupid move, but for him to act like it was a perfect move and the only way she could have beaten it was if she cheated is just nonsense. He was taking a huge risk there, and it didn’t pay off.

I mean, to me, it just looks like a dumb move that came out lucky for her. It wasn’t a smart play at all, but then again, Adelstein going all in wasn’t particularly smart either. Both went in with nothing and one person won because someone has to.

My only guess? The regular version of Skyrim is still priced at $60 on Switch, and instead of reducing that price by $10, Bethesda decided to just add it on to the new sale price.

Not sure that’s the case, though. This is the first and so far only time they’ve ever done this, with every other title they own the rights to being the same price on all platforms.

To those mentioning higher prices in the 16 bit era and earlier, context is important:

Yeah, this happens a lot. Gears 5 got a GOTY edition, too, and not even the Gears community dared call it a GOTY candidate. It wasn’t even nominated for the award at The Game Awards, though it was nominated for Audio Design. So there’s that. (Still lost to Call of Duty, somehow.)

I need to total my hours somehow to see if I reached that number with DA2.

Depends on how completionist you are. If you’re following the main story and companion quests only, I’d say 40hrs is a good estimate. If you’re talking to every NPC, finding every side quest, doing every additional DLC, then it’s more in the 60-80hrs range depending on how thorough you are and how much dialogue you

Fair point. It’s not a 1:1.

Yeah, even Gears of War 4 & 5 had a similar setup due to its movement being so different from other shooters. You had to play a certain number of standard playlist casual matches before you could play other playlists or ranked.

Did anyone else immediately think of this?

I wonder if/when dub companies will see a significant enough dip in their viewership and general revenue as they keep doing this. This is clearly a calculated decision on their part. They believe that viewership won’t drop by more than union contracts would cost.

I just about got into it with some other Gears fans complaining that making a new map takes “a month at most,” said with such confidence that you’d think they had prior game development experience. They obviously didn’t.

I’m not talking opinion. I’m talking the hardware itself. There were minor differences in RAM speed and GPU performance, but they were very similar hardware. They were closer, in fact, than the X360 and PS3.

I just wonder what the upside is for dropping the name you’ve been marketing for the last decade-plus on an entire half of the planet.

It’s slightly underpowered by a thin margin, but they’re mostly the same. And Cyberpunk is a terrible example of the difference between PS4/XB1 when it ran just as shittily on PS4.

It’s an interesting decision because the XB1 and PS4 are nearly identical in specs. So I don’t think it has anything to do with being underpowered.