
The dealer industry should all take a field trip to an Apple store.

Counter point. Even as an Apple phone and iMac owner I avoid the stores like the fucking plague because I don’t want to catch hipsterism.  I’d go see a Kia dealer and let them pull my credit to test drive a Stinger before I’d go to an Apple store.

Same here, but replace SUV with minivan and shave 10k off the price.

I’m sick of the SUV hate. They sit taller, your legs are at a more comfortable angle and get almost the same mileage as cars these days (crossovers, not full-size SUV’s) 

I always ‘test’ drive a car in bad weather. rain and snow are great time to test how the car feels under breaking, or if power gives out with just a bit of water/snow under the tires.

*slight water damage, otherwise clean title. No Shipfax

It’s a cheap thing, you wouldn’t understand. 

“I’ll have the Kidde’s meal”

Other safety tip: only transport propane tanks vertically.

Heaven forbid a cyclist be mildly inconvenienced, like the rest of the mortals on the planet. Don’t us scum know cyclists are gods on Earth?

Yeah, this is one of those situations where I don’t really see a huge upside to deputizing yourself in order to enforce some minor traffic law.

Years ago, I found out why European roads are better than American Roads in general. There are technical things about how the pavement is made and the like, but the big thing is not that.. it’s how the contract is written.

Partying with the smurfs? Or blue man group?

You could settle for a Pajero instead.

Seems pricey when a probe only costs $1250

Big one I’ve noticed is pics where the front wheels are turned like they’re halfway through turning the corner but are just parked in the driveway. If they parked it like that, they’re trying to hide alignment and other steering/suspension-related issues.

Whenever I started a new job I was sure to be friendly to the secretary and the janitor, because the former had all the keys, and the latter knew all the dirt.

Coming soon to a crowd of pedestrians near you!

Depends, are they from Jersey?

The Ferrari was downtown later revving his engine and having fun.