
The manufacturers should go read their letter out loud at Walter Reed.

A terrible deal doesn’t get you out of your desperation, it just changes the details of the desperation.

Wait a minute- an NPR reporter owned a pickup truck?

And the hell with the insurance company, all the stockholders are probably widows and orphans and pension funds anyway. #$%^& them, right?

Or a silly name like “Tile”.

The United States is the Big PX, and plenty of things are waaaaay cheaper than elsewhere. Plenty of people do a lot of buying here for their ultimate destinations.

Katherine Hepburn knocked me down from behind with her bicycle while I was walking and she was riding on the sidewalk along 5th Avenue. I have never been struck by a car in NYC.

Q. E. D.

What kind of Jalop doesn’t have a spare key under the license plate, wired to the bumper, or somewhere else outside the car?

It’s not waste if your friends get the money.

Who cares if people climb the arches?

Followed immediately by “I need another drink now, I’ve been pounding them down for the last hour sitting right here at home.

TheGirl, I, and a couple of English girls went on a hunting road trip one late winter, the passes had just cleared. Out of Los Angeles with Santa Ynez, then up to Tejon, and then over to Red Rock out past Reno.

Performance activism, I like that term!

The Dog Of The South! 

It’s not a waste, someone’s friend got the destruction contract.

Thank you. They were marvellous. Everything on that CD is on my playlist still.

Is that the woman from the Flying Lizards?

Bicycles and typewriters.

And, mentioned or not, vary from driver to driver.

I got exactly the same reaction with my mother’s 22 year old Mercedes. Hilarious.