
It works just like every other manufactured goods retail since about 1990. Go to the mall, try the jeans on until you get the fit you want, write down the brand and size, go home and order it from Amazon or Ebay.

Can’t drive the ones in the showroom! ;) I will say that I go and look at street examples of what I want- the new will wear off in a few months and mine will look more like the one in the Wal Mart lot than the one in the show room.

They all think it’s 1948.

That is what I never understood about car dealerships. When I worked in a tack store, it was BECAUSE I knew all about what horses need and use. When I was a groom, I got the job BECAUSE I knew about taking care of horses. I have a friend who works in a gun store, you guessed it, hired BECAUSE she knows the products

“Many dealerships are going to get caught with their pants down.”

I’ve written before about my mother and her 1969 Toronado (W-34, and the 400 HP engine). They were well fitted for one another.

I think AVs are  different enough that it won’t pass. Look at what happened when that woman walked in front of the Uber in Arizona- “

“ solve the problems created by the vision car companies had wrought the people’s free decisions.“ Every step on our automotive road was at bottom controlled by consumers and their elected politicians.

Unidentifiable, inarticulate victims aren’t a problem.

The Frances Oldham Kelsey principle.

Even I, a fortunate background snow white Coolidge Republican in law enforcement, enjoyed reading Splinter. I learned some things neither the MSM nor conservative media didn’t think we needed to know, had some laughs, and even found a few points of agreement with that Bolshevik Mr. Nolan.

Your end is a loss. I hope

Holy God is that beautiful. Thank you!

I’m just glad that Nick Stewart is finally getting the recognition he deserves- the first U.S.N. carrier named after a black man!

We hope. People said much the same thing in 1913 and 1938 except for the nukes of course.

The biggest problem was what to do with all the horse shit.
Plus wool clothes, maybe weekly baths, and no detergents worthy of the name.

Lovely article, thank you.

Balloons can really travel- balloon bombs from Japan killed some people and started fires on the west coast.

I have a friend who is a naturally blonde woman. She dyed brown for a month and was astonished by the difference in how she was treated.

The old ones kind of like it though.  /s

It’s satire but not.