
Britain and much of Europe-

What a sweet little song, thank you!

Tell that to shoe bomb guy, underwear bomb guy, and several scraming belligerent nuts who have been wrestled into and sometimes under their seats. The incredible waste* that is TSA passenger searching is a gigantic victory for the magnificent 19.

This does not happen often enough.

Love the fuel line repair! Mi casa su casa, I replaced a clutch cable with fence wire once.

You win!

Fair point, if it was done right.

I wish this could happen.

Sharp eyes there!

First, you’re right about the personal choices- about EVERYTHING weput in our mouths.

Mi casa su casa, Mrs. Vogel- Hunter and Republican self-identification get the same sort of instant prickly response sometimes.

AEV didn’t do it.

“When there is a stock-market boom, and every is scrambling for common stocks, take all your common stocks and sell them. Take the proceeds and buy conservative bonds. No doubt the stocks you sold will go higher. Pay no attention to this – just wait for the depression which will come sooner or later. When this

PAUL KRUGMAN, so there!  And all the way back in 2016!

No, everyone is tougher than the sun. He thought he was tougher than biology.

No lie the auto select followup youtube video was “How to remove tinnitus”.

You left out that the charging cable is shorter than a full size pickup truck.

I’m sure the Tesla could tow the F-150, or for that matter the -250, if the truck were in neutral and stuck in the mud or snow. But could it on dry pavement with the truck in park? Wouldn’t the weight and friction defeat the electric future?