
My annually regenerated bony skull extension is not your costume!

I feel confident that there isnt a police officer in the country who will ticket you for having ordinary tree type lights on your roll bar at Christmas. No one wants the internet fame and permanent “Officer Grinch nicknaming that would result.

Kick bow! Keep your distance!

Isn’t the world round, and we all on it together?

Needs more tinsel.

Nah- you cant see through the body panels anywhere.

It is a constant surprise to me that there arent a lot more drone crimes.

I would too, but the cost of getting it home would be better spent on a local purchase. I even like the maroorple colour.

Suddenlu its all dusty in here. Thank you for reminding us that the world is full of good people doing right by their neighbours.

I looked at a car once, owner talked about how he had saved all the receipts for maintenance and waved around a folder packed with a good inch and a half of multi coloured various size slips of paper.

Run a piece of rubber around the place where the window seats- experiment with the right size, for me it was the power cord from an old computer. Window seats against the rubber, no more train whistle. If it’s black, its hard to even see.

If you’re looking at a Craigslist or Ebay car, check the seller’s other adverts and history. Often professional car hustlers present themselves as just selling their one old car because they got a new one, or whatever.

Monopoly and its many variations. Aside from its classic status, it has a good blend of skill and luck in action. It allows for interaction between players, plenty of people to play, and everything is in the open so spectators can enjoy it too.

Monopoly and its many variations. Aside from its classic status, it has a good blend of skill and luck in action. It

Pizza is uniformly awful.

Yes, the expert gatekeepers with the professional news judgement think we need to know about Royal Christmas cards, another magazine going out of business,  and Nancy Wilson dying instead.  (Just checking CNN breaking news.)

Was it on fire?

British Police have never “walked the beat unarmed”. They have always carried very effective clubs, and been well trained in their use.

Kill all the subsidies on everything.

Kissing dogs is disgusting.

Correction, Geraldine Ferraro not Sarah Palin.