
This is WAC. Im glad Im not the tow truck wrangler the dispatcher sent to to take commando that situation. Shame the dealer didn’t take the forecast seriously and exert a little forward control by driving them to high ground. The insurance company wont be gladiator this mess.

So she was a girl? Even when she was a newborn baby with a penis and no concept of being anything at all, sexually or otherwise? Because it’s a boy’s school.

Im a nihilist laissez-faire capitalist, and short sellers are just people buying something on the financial markets. A short seller does nothing to help or damage a company, any more than someone betting black ar the roulette table damages the people betting red, or the wheel itself for that matter.

Yes I am.

You havent been here long. Torchinsky is always yammering about Josef Ganz. Ralph Lauren and Paul Newman have had Jalopnik articles about them. So there are three Jews right there off the top of my head.

Public School means something very different in England than it does in the United States. Whitgift,  Cowell’s school,  was and is a selective, expensive tuition,  boarding and day school thats been run that way since the first Queen Elizabeth. Our American versions would be places like Andover, Choate, or Lawrencev

Put a stick the size of your thumb in the knot- makes it easier to undo.

There are a lot of Range Rovers out hunting in England and France. I often see them filthy, dinged up, and (very occasionally) stuck or rolled. In the U. S., not so much.

A dirt parking lot in Fairfield County? Where?

Spiked their heart rates though!

Oh wow I want to put one of those on my Wrangler...

I spend about two months a year in France and England, where I rent nice new manual cars. Every time I come home, I remember why automatic transmissions are so much better.

Now playing

Taxi Commission negotiator process for calculating number of Ubers allowed...

Taxis are very big business in NYC.

That was ALWAYS the medallion model.

Fully a quarter of the taxi rides I have taken, all over the world, have contained some visible amount of cheating.

No one complained about it when the resale price went up.

I bought Bear Stearns and Enron stock on margin, clear my debt! Let me walk away!


Thank you for posting my suggestion, there were so many good ones!