
The bolt cutters are under the rifle. Hasn’t been a problem yet.

If I still lived up north, I would use my remote start regularly. When I was in Connecticut years ago I put a space heater in the front seat.

In my career as a prosecutor, I’ve had three of these cases and they all nag at me. In one, a Judge found no probable cause, in one the Grand Jury refused to indict, in the third a jury would not convict. All three fact finders expressed the belief that the parent had “suffered enough” merely by boiling its child

Its only 8 hours from Tampa to Pascagoula. I have access to a house on the water near Mobile, only 45 minutes from Pascagoula. Surely we can find some Florida Jalops who want to spend a 3 day week end carrying this great American on that trip he hasnt yet gotten to make.

The cars or the Mexicans?

AND make the future deportees do the work while waiting.

Not so fast, there, all the rubber was imported. And isnt that a Canadian spruce floorboard?

There aren’t any domestic passenger car manufacturers.

Auction them!!

Thank you for this interesting article, I had no idea!

It’s in case a Kennedy ever buys one...

I’ve got that too- but I’m quicker than the tow truck, and sometimes AAA doesn’t go where I am. And AAA won’t come to do some of the stuff you need tools to do other than fix your car. Like, say, assemble a swing set for the neighbor of the people you’re visiting. Or take apart some “You can have it if you haul it

Wow, they are now. I bought 4 at SHOT for $20 each but that was years ago.

I forgot that, permanent for me. Along with a crash axe and fire extinguisher. Point being, having basic equipment is a “mod” that can greatly increase your car’s ability to make things easier, extend its abilities, and even save you from its failure or worse.

I love that little saw though, it is hell on anything up to four or five inches.  I was giving sort of the basic list that everyone ought to have, even in town.

I havent made the power bank leap yet, cables have worked for me so far. I have a HD deep cycle battery and a power inverter though.

Also a couple of those 4x4 politician signs, an old shirt, and gloves.

Keeping a toolbox (with knife, flashlight, tow strap, jumper cables, fixaflat, bolt cutter, Sugowaza, and a compressor added to the wrenches, hammer, and screwdrivers) in the car ALL THE TIME. Don’t take it in the house or rob from it, keep it full.

I suspect that young people have heard all this autonomous vehicle talk and don’t intend to devote the time and expense to getting qualified for a “dying” profession.

Yeah thats why, to help drivers.