
I feel similarly. I want to want to play this game, but I don’t know that I actually want to play this game.

I disagree with the take on multiplayer being a requirement, but it’s absolutely correct that this mid-scale, AA space is where the interesting innovations happen.

Indeed. That is literally the only instance of friendly fire that could have inspired its inclusion.

EA is shifting away from licensed IP due to the “changing industry.” The changing industry: Disney buys $1.5 billion equity stake in Epic Games to collaborate on “all new games and entertainment.”

I whole-heartedly recommend it, though. That’s the only quibble I’ve had with it on PC.

You could just pause it on PC, but “sleep” mode isn’t always so straightforward given that there’s quite a bit more going on under the hood of a general purpose computing device compared to a console. Even though the guts are pretty much identical at this point, a PC is just being asked to do more.

Right there with you - the only thing that’s frustrating is that you can’t save mid-run. So basically once you start exploring a specific region you’re in it until the next autosave when you either return to your garage, or continue to the next region in your run. So if you like to be able to play for ten minutes and

Sure, every community has vocal assholes, but it seems like “gamers” have taken that reality as a challenge and then went the wrong way with it. “Every community has assholes? Well then we’ll win by having the most, biggest, worst assholes! Assholes that shit on everything! We’ll win at assholes!”

Here’s the Venn diagram of people who would buy this and don’t already have all of those games: 00

Yeah, a lot of people really don’t actually know what satire is, and use “parody” and “satire” as synonyms. Satire is about the message, parody is about the method. Mel Brooks is great because he’s sharp enough to seemingly effortlessly use both together - Blazing Saddles or The Producers - but he’s also just as

Sure sure sure, that all makes “logical” “sense” or whatever, but you’re forgetting a very important point - somebody on the internet spent $40 and now they want to make fake bugs go splat! So, you know, those Swedes should either fix this or they should be chained to their affordable Swedish chairs until they waste

They’re describing the book, so it’s not their statement.

Sure, but the delivery is related to the genre it was using as a medium for the satire. Starship Troopers is a big, over the top action flick and also biting satire. Its bombastic nature is due to what it is, not its underlying message.

It’s important to note, I think, that it’s not parody. Spaceballs is a work of parody - it has affection for its source material while poking fun at its inherent ridiculousness. Starship Troopers, as a genre piece, is exactly what it says on the tin. It is an over-the-top, absurd sci-fi action flick, it is not

The best satire doesn’t have to be subtle, it has to be earnest. If you think that “the Irish should eat their babies if they’re so hungry” is subtle, then you might want to either recalibrate your scale for subtlety or seriously reevaluate your view on the Irish.

Sony is a multi-billion dollar company. Successful as this game is, that scale is also why they’re not going to bother just chucking money at a wall and seeing what sticks.

Hurray, the armchair server architects are here!

It’s understandable. Even just a few matches in, it’s pretty clear that they realize that “fun” is a part of the fundamentals of game design.

It’s about consistency. Spoiler alert - it’s always about consistency. If Mario Kart was exactly the same, except that whenever you raced on Toad’s Turnpike you had to obey all traffic laws or else you would get pulled over and fined, people would justifiably say, “what the fuck?”

You literally said “This is just bitching about Kotaku to bitch about Kotaku. That’s fine, but cop to it.” And you were right, and I did “cop to it.” And yet, you want to keep. fucking. going. Why?