
Why do you have such a hard-on for defending Kotaku’s shitty headlines and poor journalistic practices? 

Conscientious Objector Jailed After Being Outed As PUBG Player” implies that “Being Outed as a PUBG Player” was a primary, or potentially the primary, factor for “Conscientious Objector Jailed”. That is not the case. In fact, the phrasing, “as further evidence” implies the opposite - that his being a PUBG player was

Yes! Exactly! I’m bitching about Kotaku to bitch about Kotaku! This is a shitty, misleading, click-bait headline and they’re continuing the sad trend of poor, low-effort, content-mill “journalism.” It’s just another example of the normalizing of bad information because it tweaks a specific audience in a specific way

Wait, hold on, I’ve missed this past season of The Stupids.... so are exclusives... good now? Wasn’t a big issue with MS buying ActiBliz that it would lead to more exclusives which was bad... but now they’re doing the opposite of the thing that people were worried about and that’s... also bad?


Same thing again - I’m making no commentary on the court’s decision. All I’m saying is that this is just another shitty headline that’s purposefully misleading, and it’s getting old.

I’m not arguing about the bullshit justification for the court’s decision - I’m just saying that the Kotaku headline is shitty, misleading clickbait. The editors could have very easily written a relevant headline that was not misleading, but they chose not to.

It literally says, “partially because he plays...” and “also pointed to ... PUBG as further evidence...” The fact that they copied another shitty headline doesn’t make this headline less shitty. It just makes it shitty and unoriginal.

Wow, Kotaku headlines suuuuuuck.

It’s the “pro Democracy when we win” party. The “law and order when we agree with the laws and when we define the order” party. The “small government unless you do something that makes us slightly uncomfortable” party.

As well they shouldn’t. I’m no fan of Disney, but the idea of such blatant disregard for free expression is absolutely chilling. The “usual suspects” of government expression violations are bad enough - prior restraint, individual ignorance, unequal application of regulations, etc. - but this is the highest ranking

They released a statement saying that they would work to support people and organizations in Florida who were working to repeal the law or have it struck down in court. That is, quite obviously, protected speech.

Oh come now, they didn’t “lose.” A Trump appointed judge dismissed the case, which Disney would have anticipated and which they will have a response for, and the case will continue. A case being dismissed due to a lack of standing means that it wasn’t even considered on its merits, so Disney in no way “lost.” The

Definitely a good, interesting, and worthwhile game.

Given the benefit of perspective, haven’t almost all Call of Duty games been sci-fi games, on a practical level? I mean, whether the trappings appear “realistic” and “modern” or not, it’s all sci-fi on a gameplay level.

I’m shocked - shocked! - that a questionable company on a dubiously funded spending binge justified by the CEO’s eventually failed financial gamble has once again resulted in a challenging but potentially risky project being cancelled! No one could have seen this coming.

I don’t know if you’ve read the statement, but they basically said “we’ll look into it.” Which isn’t exactly surprising. If they find something that’s actionable, then great! They should sue to protect their IP. If not, also great! People should be able to create new, original, expression that satirizes or parodies

My defense? Dude, you are taking this much too seriously. I do not care what happens to Palworld or Nintendo. I just think it’s strange how angry people get when things they don’t agree with have he audacity to exist, and other people dare to enjoy them.

Good! If it turns out that there was some infringement then it’s important for Pocketpair to be held accountable. Maintaining the balance between reasonable expression and commentary on the one hand and protection of intellectual property on the other is very important.

First, it’s worth noting that the AI allegations are absolutely baseless. Apparently the CEO said something about a fake Pokémon generator based on machine learning a few years ago, and that was - unsurprisingly - enough to send people off to the races. If they had an AI model that could do what people are accusing