Stephen Strother

Is this a bit?

I answered this in another thread, but, to me Kidd isn’t really a good comparison. He played for such a long time that it’s easy to forget what a monster athlete Kidd was in his first few years, especially relative to PGs at the time. He was a whole new specimen. I don’t think Lonzo will ever be able to put the kind

That’s not bad, but Rondo was more the type who pounded the ball a lot to create the openings he passed into. Lonzo’s vision is better and he moves the ball out of his hands a lot more quickly; he doesn’t farm assists so much as he gets them organically by being a really good distributor. (Plus, there’s every reason

Another one! man, like clockwork. Does the invisible hand of the market jerk you off, or?

Easy solution. Make Carmelo the player-coach, run the parallelogram offense, name Kurt Rambis the new GM and president of operations with full autonomy, tell the press that Porzingis has a cocaine problem, trade Porzingis for Austin Rivers, let Rambis shower with the Knicks City Dancers, sign Glenn Robinson III to a

Acts drunk ✔️

Yeah, and it’s worth considering how fluky Golden State’s situation is: They only signed Curry to such a below-market deal because there was legitimate fear that his then-chronic ankle problems might prevent him from having an NBA career, and then he not only shook off those ankle problems but turned into one of the

-Opens Door to Garage

When pressed, Fisher says “has 7-9 good stories he could tell about Vince. But he is working hard every day to make them more competitive.”

His finishing move is “The Safe Space” in which he runs his opponent over from inside his Prius.

Say what you want, but dude’s always working on his FITNESS, as in FITNESS whole goddamn pizza in his mouth.

Wow, the guy really will do anything to avoid writing new pages of Game of Thrones.

“man, if I had a chin for every tired excuse I hear I would have about the same amount of chins”

Arnovitz is fucking great, isn’t he?

Savage recently co-authored a book with writer Ray Glier that focuses on his past eight years working as a radio commentator for Alabama.

I will say this, and you can take it with a grain of salt if you want because Im a big Alabama homer and have been since the dark ages so obviously Im a big Nick Saban fan, even if he is a joyless football robot. The guy seems to genuinely care about his players as long as they dont do something stupid. (By which I

Look at that dumb beef castle.

Honest question: are you new to Deadspin? Lame puns in the comments section is kind of what the comments section here is known for. As in, that’s what the editors foster with their ungraying, because that’s what is valued by them for this site. A very loosey goosey, irreverant commentariat.

My dad’s one wish is to see me ungreyed before he departs this mortal coil in 20-30 years, based on actuarial tables. *It would mean so much to him*

The rare case of snitches who don’t get stitches