Stephen Strother

This is my hometwon, and let’s just say it is the perfect Gallatin story and that it makes my heart sing.

If Peter Skarsgaard and Keifer Sutherland fucked, this is the monstrosity it would produce.

Gary Player is 81 years old, and he still runs barefoot on the beach every single day like Kevin Garnett doing his preseason training in Malibu. Anyone that manifestly nuts is obviously going to roast you for five paragraphs in response to mild criticism.

Those Ted Williams numbers are preposterous. Look at that OPS! For ten years!

My daily breakfast before my 7:00am AP Economics class my junior year of high school was from Hardees, and it went something like this: (1) two biscuits and gravy: (2)two sausage egg n’ cheese biscuits; (3) a large hashbrown (basically large McDonald’s fry size); (4) two apple pies; and (5) a 48 oz. Dr. Pepper. AT 7

The idea that tanking “just started” is the best part of this already ridiculous conversation in which a lot of reasonable human beings argue with a deluded killjoy who spends more time arguing about Sam Hinkie online than he does watching basketball, the game he supposedly enjoys.

Hi, Mr. Ergodan!

If someone doesn’t love John Wall, why they hell do they even love sports? This shit owned and I will watch this clip 500 times tonight.

I think they offer it. As someone else pointed out, they don’t have much else to do with the money, and Lowry’s probably the second best player actually available on the open market (CP3 is resigning in LA, full stop). And the reality is that Lowry is extremely good and will be snatched up by someone else immediately

39 points on 14 shots is utterly absurd. I could shoot live weasels out my asshole and it would make more sense than that stat. Jesus, Lebron.

Lowe is amazingly detailed and comprehensive in his coverage. That said, he may be one of the least friendly NBA guys on Twitter, where every NBA writer basically lives. He’s consistently kind of a condescending jerk.

+1 DVD of Stigmata

Oh my god. Yes, admiring a home run definitely deserves having a projectile thrown at your brain at 100 MPH.

*jack off motion*

Hi, just wanted to wade into the idiot stew we’ve got brewing here to say that obviously, obviously, it is never, under any circumstances, ok to throw a 100 MPH pitch at another person’s head. Thank you to all the other reasonable, sane people making this point on this here thread. To those who are somehow defending

Boston is a frozen, insular rustbucket filled with an equal mixture of limousine liberal jagbags and racist, troglodyte mouthbreathers. If I wanted to be surrounded by braying halfwits trying and failing to piss into the urinal without falling down, I’d go to a Bills game.

I’ll be more precise: of course Jordan had a strong desire to win, more than most, even. It has no analytical value in determining whether he was superior to any other basketball player. You cannot actually will yourself to win anything. You either play better or you don’t. So, in that sense, it’s a meaningless

“Jordanesque will to win” is a dumb sports cliche with no meaning.

could boston possibly suck any fucking harder

This is the only entertaining part of the draft. This owned.