Stephen Strother

Pack it up, folks, we’re not beating this one.

“Flags. I fucking hate flags. You fucking hate flags. Everyone fucking hates flags.”

oh thank god, I thought i was invisible.


im a normal guy that just loves brands, so so much

Albert, please join my secret public facebook called, “The Pinkertons Were Always Good And Right.”

He took the door off the spice cabinet in his kitchen to maximize brand visibility for McCormick.

Get a load of this snitch!

This doesn’t make any sense.

Bledsoe may hate it there, but at least it’s a dry hate.

It’s a relatively small and banal part of the job, and it pales in comparison to all the other ways he sucks, but the way he responds to these disasters is sickening to me. That an adult human cannot suppress the reflex to engage in superfluous praise (mostly of himself) to focus on victims of a disaster is

With respect, I’m fairly certain that neither party will continue to exist in its current iteration for very much longer, for the very simple reason that “right” and “left” have as much political valence today as the parties’ position on the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

There are many layers to Kushner. Beneath the business suit layer, you’ve got the tennis pair ensemble layer. Beneath the tennis pair ensemble layer, you’ve the Mormon singlet layer. Beneath the Mormon singlet layer, you’ve got the French Riviera speedo layer. Beneath the French Riviera speedo layer, you’ve got the

They’re lashing out in pain and fear, for the bright light of the truth is nearly blinding.

This shit is old. It’s just the latest iteration of the stew of white-dude libertarianism, half-baked evo-psych and quarter-baked genetic determinism that was spouted on HN five years ago, Slashdot 15 years ago and Usenet boards 25 years ago. It was embarrassing when it showed up in Eric Raymond’s “Sex Tips For Geeks”

Thus answering the question I didn’t realized I had, “if you put a sociopathic technocrat in a a room with nothing but a word processor and the sound of his own voice, what would he write?”

How does this happen? 

A wise man once said: Fuck off you twat.

I think I saw this guy on a 60 Minutes segment back in the fall (it comes on after football, man, get off my nuts!). They were doing a deep dig on social media influencers and how people like this guy rake in money by being popular on Vine and Instagram. He’s basically a slightly less obnoxious Kardashian with an