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    Or just get a galaxy. they've been highly water resistant for years.

    kind of like koei churning out endless warriors games, or jupiter with picross. also, a lot of Nintendo franchises for much of their lifespans, although Nintendo does like to try wild new ideas even in their more derivative sequels.

    this is not the flex they think it is

    yeah. they've broken open that box before as well with the ps move

    The Lego games are pretty good, and every movie had an accompanying (and mediocre, except for the second one which was decent) action rpg attached to it.

    Yes and no on LBW, it has the dungeon structure but it departs quite a bit from previous games in that you can tackle them in any order you please. imo it's a precursor in a lot of ways to the BOTW structure in which the dungeons/quest beats don't follow a prescribed order.

    Right? All that does sound convenient, but not like, $200 worth of convenient.

    “Great reporting" they say sarcastically, citing a quote from the article itself 

    OK? Still a stupid and obnoxious move. I don't think anyone here thinks his numbers affect how they feel about this. 

    That’s how I’ve been using it. Just a cute incentive to be more conscientious of my sleep schedule. Plus, 8.5 hours is not required for any progress at all. It’s just the amount of sleep that will get you the maximum amount of progress per night, but getting less than that doesn’t stop anything, you just progress less

    lol and you think USA’s famous for treating its workforce well?

    i don’t think it needed “explaining” but this was one of my favorite bits in the movie and i didn’t catch all of the context of the joke and what was on-screen so i appreciated this article

    Honestly I love even more that the differences are so subtle/meaningless. It somehow makes it even trippier.

    never read the books but holy shit what a horrendous way to VERY PUBLICLY talk about someone you’ve met who didn’t commit some kind of hate crime. kehe is a bully, full stop.

    you’re so close to getting the point and yet

    Yes, but to stop everybody from being so grumpy about it ☹️

    i say this having been an apologist even up to this day.

    great thanks for your input

    That’s true but they release lil security and bug updates to years old games every once in a while. I think a straight-up glitch like this is more likely to get patched than would an intentional balance update, just on the off chance it could actually affect game stability or something. idk.

    Then don’t call it a mainline final fantasy, IMO. but that’s just personal taste talking.