
Microsoft is a company that has been evil for 40 years, pretty much since its inception. I’m not even convinced that “sexual harassment lawsuit” was a negative for them. As other commenters pointed out, the scandals probably lowered the price of the acquisition. And no matter what illegal things any company in the US

The only real part that could fail is the Blizzard side.

I think I speak for all owners of a functional pair of eyes when I say I wish you guys would stop showing us Bobby Kotick’s horrible face. It is without exaggeration an affront to all that is natural and good. He’s a shit person too, but crap is he an ugly basterd.

Yeah, it’s extremely disheartening. And a huge part of it is that numbers start becoming meaningless at this level. Yeah, $50 million is “a lot.” But it’s relative. It’s not actually a lot if we’re talking about punitive measures to correct behaviors at a company that was recently purchased for 69 billion, and which

Unfortunately, $50,000,000 is not even a slap on the wrist or a tickle of the foot to these bastards nor the media who hawks them. Now they have Microsoft wealth, they’re rich beyond comprehension. That’s not to say I’m not glad you’re reporting on this, but I’ve become so jaded to this shit happening in the games

He's the Dorito pope. He doesn't give a shit.

I mean... no? If Geoff is gonna vamp with a fucking muppet, and let Kojima ramble about his sort-of game that won’t exist for 100 years, you can give the fucking Game of the Year winner more than 30 seconds.

Not only did they win an award, they won like 5 and the BIGGEST ONE! Definitely should have let the man speak as long as he wanted..

Gotta get that fucking next ad in.

Important context, Geoff Keighley isn’t just the host of the Game Awards, but also its executive producer and de facto leader/organizer.

I hope Geoff is suitably ashamed by all of these outfits trying to salvage his embarrassment of a production for him. I assume he isn’t, because he’s an egomaniac that just wants to rub elbows with Hollywood celebrities, but I hope he is.

Between bug-ridden releases and new pricing, I don’t think I’ll ever buy a game on release day ever again.

Stop playing freemium games. They are all about exploiting you. 

I’m definitely disappointed in myself about it because regardless of what anyone is gonna think it’s absolutely not something I stand for or something I say in my private life ever.”

they’re not profiting any more than normal, they sell at retail price, doesn’t matter how many of something they make they’re going to sell out. the only profit i can think of is building up FOMO equity for their next stupid product

I could take this one step further...

The apologists are as bad if not worse than the scalpers themselves, and I’d guess the venn diagram of the two is probably closer to a circle.

Fuck scalpers and their apologists.  They ruin literally everything they touch.

Scalpers truly ruin everything these days, it’s such a huge bummer. As someone that’s collected import Japanese figures from different series and manufacturers for years it’s a bummer to see the scalpers reaching so many new kinds of product and properties these days, nothing is safe.

Absolutely. This article is very disconcerting. Doing side quests is knew thing. Pacing sucking to the tune of 50 hours is another.

Yes, he's trying to make it sound like it has impressive longevity when really what he's saying is that a huge chunk of their game is going to be a waste of time