
Well at least Uber has the responsible corporate coverage to replace the car and not leave the driver- underwater

Just kidding it’s Uber so he’s going to be left- high and dry

Customers who didn’t bring carryons or use the bins complained that they shouldn’t be paying as much as a passenger with luggage to store. So instead of a discount for the no carryon have-r, the airline just raised the price for bin users XD

Will he parade ahead of the tanks and warheads or behind?

Have we lost more planes in battle or outside of battle since Vietnam?

Amazon has game sales seemingly every other week

Amazon has game sales seemingly every other week

But Kasich doesn’t have to win, just give him enough votes that Trump doesn’t get 270. Kasich isn’t going to all of a sudden pull 270 faithless elector votes

That destroy’s the noble tough guy hockey player. It took more seconds to react to a downed player in danger than to lust for revenge. Gooning>safety

“Posse” is to the 90s as “entourage” is to the 2000s. Both were self coined slang terms in the eras which they were popular. It just so happened that there was intent to make it sound tough in the 90s and I guess that toughness is now interpreted as gangbanga so this is the dumbest little feud in the end. We get it,


How many people have this disease?! How many conspiro-brains are out there?! I cannot understand how so many people are broken. Can science explain any of this? From Foodbabe to Alex Jones I’m surrounded by bizarroskeptics, who have this drive to be skeptical but no tools to have a fucking

What am I missing here?! How is a private text conversation valid for expulsion? Are we insane? I have to go ACLU here and argue that this is absolutely ridiculous! Racism is bad but holy hell we cannot act like a bunch of NSA/SS/Thought policing facists here! That isn’t our way Jez/liberals. Wow.

Comon dude. Lol

Do you really think it’s good precedent for the electoral college

Part of the electoral college’s duty is to make sure Americans don’t elect someone who bamboozled them. The founding fathers didn’t trust people who fall for social media hoaxes on the regular, so they said once the people vote, these electors will have the final say to confirm those votes, or to check perhaps a

Add em to the CTE lawsuit

But with your logic you have to add Johnson’s votes to Trump and then he still wins. I’m not saying you’re stupid, but you are.

“Black is not a color!” - A friend that is a hit at parties

I LOL’ed when his little sand spreader was spinning as he slid down the road

“Was waiting for the right time to break it to the internet.”

When he’s sworn in as commander-in-chief, he’ll make clear the fullness of his plans.

They won’t have it impeded, as Facebook etc can kick your ass out if you violate the TOS which is perfectly legal. You friend can stop letting you use their phone to make calls they don’t like, and Twitter can stop letting you use their platform for speech they don’t like. You are still free to speak, on your own dime.