
That and I knew a lot of kids who might show these “scary” to adults symptoms that were just regular angsty kids. A had a friend who loved to read Navy seal novels and draw real-like or futuristic guns on graph paper. I remember plenty of kids who were bullied or were bullies that turned out fine when you see them 10

To be honest those groups could be pushed aside like they were for months. A third rail type of activist got involved, called veterans, and the cost of bad press from shooting or water dousing or touching a hair on one of their heads is so much higher politically that it made them break. It shows how unequal voices

All it took was a group of Vets showing up and getting press. They can push Native activists to the fringe, environmental activists to the fringe, sit at home but send some money white activists to the fringe (wait em out with the news cycle), but they can’t touch vets being active.

One has to be left out of the ACC/SEC/PAC/Big 10/Big 12 tv markets, but they will always ensure they pick to cover the most if selections are close

The internet age is quite a thing

Welcome to the age of outrage. For good or for bad, stories like this will get the Reddit treatment, where people who never heard it will compete to out-rage each other. Great that people “care” (do they? or do they just enjoy the feeling of raging against authority... you could make up a fake story and the internet

It can be scary when someone is going through an episode like this. I hope it doesn’t change their marriage, because so many people can be unable to separate the “sick” person from the real person in their mind going forward. :(

It sounds fake, like she intentionally changes her voice

1. What will Trump do when Twitter goes under in the next few years?

2. They are going to shred documents and destroy tapes when they leave office in 4 years aren’t they?

So how does this work, can we continue to use Pepe as a rightfully enjoyable meme, hoping that in time the correct definition of it wins out? Or do we have to give it over to the people who morph it into hate speech?

I guess I vote that we don’t give in to terrorists and Pepe is only what he is depicted as. So without

Best eSports game?!?!?!?! Give me a break. Give the award once a game earns it. OW’s esports scene is still young and rough, no matter how much money has been thrown at it they have admitted that it is a work in progress. Really a slap in the face to other esports games which did it right for the entire last 12

Hmm, this seems to go against my Liberal political desire to end the draft...

There would be more tax revenue if more people met the income requirements to be taxed. Right now you have millions in poverty who don’t contribute to taxes... think if more people made more money and could help out.

You think people invent to get rich? You think people start businesses to get rich? Look at any creator of things and you will see they are passionate to do it first, and will do it for money second. The point is that getting paid to sit around and be creative and make things like Steve Jobs or Zuckerberg or whoever

Basically Valve is turning into a mobile games company, happy to microtransact their way to the top- er.. wait they are already drowning in cash... Must be old school sales goals going up every fucking year, meaning any profit growth is good profit growth for the company, until it all collapses and the employees use

If you live in Florida you could shoot him for putting his foot in the door.

Really sick of politicians having to suck Israel’s dick to gain leadership positions. Why can’t we just fucking be neutral and help deliver peace, which won’t happen as long as we show such unrepentant bias. Israel has established itself, and will not be wiped off the map, so this cold war era game of playing

How much of this is being paid by industry? Like, I cannot really believe that they would concoct such bullshit based on influence alone. I really think these peoples’ brains are broken in a way that should be classified by medicine.