
I thought it was going to be about the drop that wasn’t and how the officials assume he makes tough catches, which is a huge benefit in the game of inches

It’s actually hotly debated, but one theory is that it isn’t hair but rather a brain parasite with mind control powers. Like in Star Trek

1 in 10 like currently on the road or like 1 in 10 drive drunk because the former sounds too high and the latter sounds wayyyyy too low

So his team is just grooming media to learn who can be bought right? I mean, media that refuses to attend on principle is probably added to a list, and those that attend are scrutinized for how much they sell themselves out like a reality show contestant to get access. It’s really not much different than how a terror

Everyone knows you just use Earth’s magnetic field to power the electroaerocars geez

I too love to smash children’s toys

But the right wing has guns! It prevents us from doing anything!

Robots have been taking jobs, which if you do the math means less humans to split the profits. Yet those profits get split less evenly, meaning unions are the solution for those still in the workforce.

Seems like that would also be close to refuting other posts around here lauding the suspension of college athletes for writing shitty things in their personal conversations. Of course those posts refute other posts around here where people are ranked by hotness but in the end does any of it really matter as long as

Hey you’d think players on a college sports team should get to play sports regardless of if they make shitty comments about other people in texts or emails to their friends, but the society we live in says that those painted lines one the field are just for decoration and if you are a garbage person it definitely does

Great example of why some people like Trump. They think the coach should coach, and the players should play. They like the authority of the President, and have soured on “the people” corrupting the stew by second guessing and destabilizing the locker room (nation). They see things like #BLM protests as an action like

It has been cool to be stupid for a decade and a half now, and 2016 is the reckoning

On the upside, Trump’s memory seems to be so short he will certainly forget the Nuclear codes within his first week, saving us all.

The figures involved actually suggest that gymnastics is a very safe place for kids relative to all other options. Certainly this article points out flaws that could reduce the instances of abuse 3 or 4 fold, but 368 over 20 years in a sport that has millions of participants each year means that victims are a

Twitter is dying, didn’t you hear?

eh, no one really goes on about McVeigh anymore. Time deals a heavy blow to crackpots in regards to martyrs

So there’s now smoke in the category of YouTube lies to advertisers about views and subscribers by fabricating many of those two numbers and it was noticed and now they are being really cagey about the issue until they can figure out an airtight lie. I mean I hope it isn’t that but this is the kind of strange response

I blame the parents who wouldn’t spring for a $0.05 large trash bag, $25 bag fee, and check it.

I’m sure the legal department taught them that lesson pretty quick after they were told.

It’s weird because science keeps saying humans are monogamous yet sociology, psychology, history, those magazines at the grocery store, afternoon Television, all the raping and assault from India to the dorm room, your buddies at the bar, and your Dad pretty much out men as not being very good at monogamy. From my