
That gave me a thought. I hope every coach, sideline reporter, and player who’s not dressed out wears a Sager-like sport coat tonight. That would be a nice tribute.

If the clouds move from the night side to the day side and then dissipate does that mean there is also mass slowly being moved from the night side of the planet to the day side and dropped as the clouds dissipate?

Foreigners can also buy that gas now too. Which is why its so important to connect this field to the Gulf.

He is not in custody because he has not yet been charged with any crime, pending the investigation. You cannot hold a person indefinitely without charges being filed. They considered the physical evidence (3 casings in the car, 3 gunshot wounds, location of the gun shot wounds, etc) as well as the statement from

And if you give a lot of poor people the opportunity to earn more money, increasing their demand for goods and services, then rich corporations will take their business elsewhere.

Fuck these NFL highlight tweets. Almost every single one requires following links that open three different browser windows before I can actually watch the clip on my phone. No highlight is worth that hassle.

While nobody’s debating that Leo’s a douche, including Leo himself apparently, people who try to police the phone use of others are generally assholes.

Get off your fucking phone and say hi to the great Lily Tomlin! = I’m hanging out with an icon so you’ll have to acknowledge me!

Does Kathy think these stories make her sound good? She just sounds like a fucking asshole, over and over.

Maybe it is just because I am a grouch who hates people, but it seems like it must be exhausting to spend so much of your time worrying that people like you. And not just certain people: everyone. And then having a melt down when it turns out that, in a country of some 320 million people, some of whom you’ve spent

lena dunham: I’m the victim here! Me! Me!

Will these work in Flint?

Will these work in Flint?

Baldwin’s reaction is like that republican lady who got all mad at Ana Navarro for saying pussy on the news when she was quoting Donald Trump - same misdirection, same reduction of the word to the single, most recent instance of it’s use while blatantly ignoring the referenced, and far more significant, use.

Oxford and Yale are the universities rich people go to to get a piece of paper saying they’re smart while spending that five years being high and drunk. They’re very expensive versions of evangelical diploma mills.

Ben Carson went to Yale and he thinks the pyramids were built for grain storage.

Kris Kobach is a man with a PhD from Oxford and a JD from Yale. He’s not dumb enough to think voter fraud is a thing; he’s smart enough to know he can trick people into thinking that voter fraud is a thing so he can kneecap his political opposition.

Did Trump just request a safe space?