
I would guess more likely that like in ban waves for Gaming, they activated a new version of anti-spam that picked off a lot of until now undetected accounts. So it caused a mass of lost subs.

ACE is notoriously Conservative as a corporation, so it’s hard to not read the political slant of such an action in this case.

It would funnel more interest if they hadn’t used antiquated terms like “exhaustion” and dodged the issue of mental illness. They gave every other excuse in the book, which is pretty lame as far as doing anything to end the stigmas and build compassion. I know a lot of people dislike Kanye but I at least went out of

Man labor law has been really fucked and no one even understands the basics so there’s never any political outrage, as there rightly should be. The rare strikes and incidents that arise are so disconnected that they get labeled as fringe and the public can be turned against the employees pretty easily, which only

I thought he said he WAS going to Sweden to pick up his award...

As a person born after mankind had already landed on the moon, I never thought of the implications of the sites as so historic. We visit ancient sites today and wonder, mostly because we are disconnected from history. Yet in 200-2000 years that site and the equipment could be one of the top archaeological treasures.

If websites can track the shit we are doing on our computer then one of the largest game companies can do the same with ease. Probably in the TOS to have access to what else is running and probably even a browser tracking cookie because the data is worth so much why would we expect just internet companies to be the

How... like, what kind of deranged person wants to make their life LESS “Saved By The Bell-ish”

can you make it so the liveblogs and these c+p chats read top to bottom because it’s really a chore for us to Memento this shit time and again.

I love how he’s frozen in his posture XD The old can’t put their arms down joke must be true

I guess I’m most surprised by the fact that anyone dared deny it at all? Like what is the angle there? The N word is dropped from NFL Films to the local rec center in sports... It’s like a record label saying “Our rappers don’t say the N word in their albums and such an accusation is Ludacris!”

I mean I assume the

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas is probably not the best time to issue a food wasting challenge to the internet. But we all can’t spend our Holidays feeding the homeless and hungry I guess... >.>

Those are the fakest sound effects... SAD!

What is missing is that young and educated tend to vote at that age, while the uneducated that will lean conservative don’t start getting politically cranky for a few more years. So the map will even out when that “generation” gets older as the red turnout increases.

So why did we want to make sure they all had health insurance again?

What about the trickle up wealth of having more consumers with more purchasing power? One CEO can only eat so much, buy so much gas, watch so much tv, etc. But imagine what 30 million people with more spending power can achieve. This is the truth behind the failure of trickle down baloney, that somehow it is better to

He has died in the hospital...

The announcer on the 800 video doesn’t recognize his finishing time, and actually skips him when announcing the top 5 times (There were 5 in the pack, one of which was the Bandit, plus the guy coming in behind the pack in 5th finishing at 2:08 which was the 5th time announced. So the Bandit’s time didn’t register in

What needs to be “spun” or marketed here is that there is a very very common downside to dreaming big and being positive in order to be successful. There are few stories where such disregard for facts and rational consideration produce great success, even though many fraudsters will sell you books and seminars on the

They don’t play on my Chrome browser so problem solved!