
She was the brains spattered on the wall after the famous LJack speech

Like out of touch Mom types (HI KATHY) who think phones are only used to be anti social and therefore it is their god commanded duty to shame people into connecting #face2face like the old days were some pure Eden.

Really must be hard to sell the newest stadium in the league and a site good enough to host the “The Big Game”

So these fraudsters’ argument is that they need to treat some concert promoter to a Vikings game in order to sell a venue to a concert promoter who already knows all they need about if the venue is the right fit over other venues in the city. Wait... why are they competing with other venues in the city if they work

I think you mean a group of men to decide whether something is sexist against a woman, not that sexism victimization is confined to women. You just got a little too amped there to remember, I got u

Well it has kinda been America for like 16+ years now, as the zones have been around since at least the 2000 election...

“OMG please Jill Stein make the deadline for a recount!” Jez days ago
“Jill Stein is dreaming but lol you go you kook!” Jez now

Dixit is also Balderdash with pictures.

The internet they taught us to use at school (Netscape) was like a poor attempt to keep us from ever discovering the real internet (AOL). I’m sure when I was 13 I was targeted by many a Dateline dude in those AOL chatrooms, and their real A/S/L wasn’t 14/F/CA, but 42/M/Creeperville. Yet we are the generation who

I guess having had a close family member go through the Kanye thing (without the concerts part) I really kinda hate the whole bullshit about exhaustion etc. I wish more people knew about what kind of shit many people have to go through, so it isn’t just those who have been around it who know what the sleep deprivation

I am being held accountable for my words! How dare all of you!

What I crave is that feeling of being completely and entirely spent.

I guess we don’t think of this as a support NA people issue, but rather a shared opposition to another shitty pipeline, where “we” have been for the past few decades. Thanks for the resources, but don’t mislead yourself about what is being supported. The NA peoples have their arguments against the pipeline, and they

A lady known for dressing up in costumes and disguises can’t figure a way to go in public incognito and meet a stranger? Like, most people don’t even recognize her OUT OF COSTUME. She isn’t a household face BECAUSE she costumed up like SIA. I don’t buy any of this.

These filter bacteria not the periodic table

These filter bacteria not the periodic table

HOLD THE FUCK UP THEY WANT MONEY TO BE ABLE TO WATCH THIS SHIT?! Who do they think they are?! The one time I will be semi curious to tune in, and sorry, PPV!

And this is why the pros play on a pitch pure as a golf green. That public park bounce right as he swung is the real culprit.

How is LOL not in both lists? “Still” ranks higher than LOL? The 200 Lol’s that get spammed on a popular stream anytime something comical happens (all day) have to outdo those other more conversational and situational words.

Is this like a follow up story? It’s just really “????” and I don’t get the angle. Is he suing? Is it just weird news? So odd

What are those colors, stole em from the Eastasia Newspeaks maybe?