
Are people who move in mannequin videos the worst? Like why can’t we use these as a test of who to send into the sun? If you can’t manage this challenge, you probably can’t hold a job, or feed yourself.


and now they’ve lost 3 straight and are Mathematically like 25th in the league

The Browns did share five follow-up emails that they received from people who attended the event, in which they thanked the organizers and expressed interest in staying in touch regarding possible job opportunities.

Yeah basically, were the Nazis bad if there was no Holocaust, and if yes, why? Because you will need that when arguing against Trump. Nazis suck because they were so extreme, it is hard to separate the other bad shit from the worst, so people won’t listen to criticisms and comparisons. Unless you can explain why

In reality these gender options on the internet get used as a fashion statement by most people instead of left to those who truly need them. It’s cool to be different, so people just apply them to themselves as another hipster doofus thing to do. In the end it sucks all of the respect and seriousness from the labels

I thought Al Davis was dead, but it appears he’s writing for Deadspin and... dear lord cancel the next Foodspin video now!

This is what ISIS understood about social media.

He missed the shot anyway so..what, the buzzer was like a person yelling at a free throw and that’s illegal?

How disrespectful to leave before the cast has left the stage

I remember learning in like 6th grade Government that freedom of speech meant the right to criticize even the President and not be locked up for it. I’m sure some booed, some cheered, some kept quiet, and some got paid to write about their feelings about it. As is the American way. God bless this land.

Blair Walsh’s new job is Batman Cosplay... whodathunk he was the nerdiest kicker we have ever had? RIP Kluwe, make Walsh new Deadspin kicking correspondent please.

Or just record larger than the viewfinder so no matter which way you hold your camera the video can be set to vertical or horizontal when uploading.

With the win and a 4-0-1 streak, the Jets are 9-7-2, and, holy crap, second in the West.

Have you been... to Kansas? Makes Duke look like the MOVE compound

I thought Duke was okay now because they don’t have the recruiting scandals and because they got shredded in that whole fake lacrosse rape case. Like, they got punched in the face and are part of the crew now, and it is those other cheating fuckers who get the ire in the ‘10s. Isn’t that the thing now? Cheaters?

Hey it’s the guy who has access to a lot of private servers! He thinks that makes him a good candidate for the job! OH FER CUTE

...handed over the keys to the castle. All that hard work out the door. Land of the brave indeed!

This is shade right?

Have little time to pay attention to anything but your career, hobbies, and social life, and when you come to complex issues that you find in politics and give everyone the feeling that they have an “equal say” then you will have a large majority of naive voters making decisions on just the basics of fact, gut feeling