Keep It Classy

This could work.....The crowds have been getting out of hand at cars and coffee, a bit cocky. This could bring out a new group of energy conscious mustang drivers willing to lend a hand.  

Looks like a successful and fun trip.

Hot Rod

I’d like to think I’d benefit from a high quality coach like this, but it would likely end up more like this....

Some people have never worn hand me down clothes, and it shows.  Roll the pant legs up, grab a stapler, and get your ass in space.  

Came here for this, take your star.

The neon is like the nerdy girl in high school, who one day took off her glasses and shook her hair down.....and then you realized she still has a blown transmission.

*This bus crash was directed by Micheal Bay.

Ever met that person that was passed around from foster family to foster family growing up? Reliability and accountability go out the window...this car is gonna break itself then laugh in the owners face, continuously.  

Next step, blast the dickhead not using his turn signals while hes driving. Peoples driving styles would improve dramatically when the car is threatening to hit em with pepper spray. 

That gap tho. 

Very true.  I still think of toyota from the 90s.  

Toyota is one of the few I would trust for space cars. Some other brands, not so much.

I still cant afford it.  

I think its pretty obvious that I did not....I mean my friend who was wondering.....he did not.  

Looks like a late 90s car show, I dig it. 

Anyone know if shes single....asking for a friend. 

Concept? Museum? See because I don’t agree with these statements, I’m gonna take them as disrespect.  Porsche, make me a 917 I can drive to work, do your job. 

Counterpoint....Life’s short, take chances.