Keep It Classy

Flying into the Tulsa airport with a rental car booked at Hertz through Expedia, landing at 815pm and walking out to a completely empty rental car parking lot. They had a crude hand written piece of paper taped to a few of the kiosks....”closed due to covid”. Myself and 8 other people stranded at the airport, last

Please someone make her a commercial pilot. I need to see her board a plane in a pilots uniform with a seeing eye dog and a white cane. Make sure she wanders through the plane all the way to the back, then turns around and walks right into the cockpit.

That rust would scare me, unless you plan on putting it on a rotisserie to clean it wall up, its gonna rust away at this point. 

He’s still got it. 

Came here to say this, take your star. 

I use them about once a week at my shop on either disabled cars, locked up steering for one reason or another, or vehicles stuck in park.

This is Mercedes, Sadie for short. 

Idaho didn’t pick potatoes?! I call shenanigans. 

NP, but I’m partial.

I want an R8, and I want a MR2....but I do not want a combo.  Gross. 

Fvcking entitled, double standard demanding, goofy ass spandex wearing cyclists.  F almost all of them.  

This is a great suggestion.  So many options, lots of support from aftermarket and community. 

Found an accord on craigslist 300 miles away, but in my hometown. Coincidentally, my friend was driving there to see his folks the next weekend. The seller had hit a deer, a week after putting the insurance from full coverage to liability only; so no payout. It was listed in great condition, but with a dented hood,

Now i get it.  

Something didnt look right, then it hit me.  Was the sliding rear door an option? I foolishly thought they were standard.

Well, at least they had access to the best quality parts available, except maybe Zalenskis.

W220 woodgrain wheel is one of my favorite feeling steering wheels.

If a business plan works, you dont change it. 

So......cart or trolly? trash can or bin? fries or chips? I think its a regional thing.