

Oh my god, you are hilarious.

Getting frequent trims will NOT make your hair grow out, or grow out faster. It’s especially counter-productive if your hair grows very slowly! The ONLY time that frequent trims during a grow-out phase are really necessary is if your hair is suuuuuper damaged (like from a perm, highlights or frequent coloring,

42 and I’ve been single for about a decade. I don’t mind. I have zero sex drive, which I am 100% okay with and most other humans are 100% NOT OK with.

Just wanted to say I know how hard it is to go alcohol-free (35 years of drinking,and have now managed to get six months in). You have my respect and congratulations.

I’m 37 and while I’d like to find someone to share my life with in a non-friends way I’m also watching friends put up with bullshit to be with someone. I literally just got home from a friend’s NYD open house where I met her boyfriend for the first time. He was barking at her to tell everyone else at the party to be

Please don’t loose the feeling that it’s ok to be alone at any age! As a 35-year old widow who lost her husband to the bottle, I see so many of my sistern getting married now because they are terrified of being alone and the social stigma that carries. I want to tell them there are far worse things than being alone.

Another voice for the congratulations pile! And another one for still trying to improve!

Happy one year clean and sober anniversary! You are a miracle. Do you know how many millions of people, all over the world, try to get clean and sober, and cannot do it? Good for you. I have 8 years clean and sober, and it’s awesome. It’s New Year’s Day, and I am not hungover. Can you believe that? It still blows my

Hey just wanted to pipe in and say congratulations. I speak about my struggles with getting clean on here, and just wanted to say you aren’t alone.

Same age group, and I agree; analog dating was so much easier. Texting and social networking create a drug-like effect. The highs are higher, and the lows are lower. My 20-something niece and nephew are struggling, and I hate to see it.

Yeah, I am no longer with the college boyfriend but I have not parted with the love letters. They are really sweet to read and give me nostalgia to the bone (not for him, but for that young me). It’s nice to have something tangible, I’m going to say it: kids today are missing out on the art of a letter. Texts and

I am 60 years old. In case it helps, I’m going to tell you what I know.

Oh thank christ. I saw the phrase “36 Women” and the picture of Franken and immediately assumed the worst.

All of this. It’s all reprehensible and needs to stop, but indeed, we can’t paint all of these things with the same brush. If this continues to happen, the blowback is going to be horrible, and nothing will get any better.

It’s ok. I’m basically a shattered person now with no interest in ever trusting anyone ever again. Sad to come to that conclusion at 33. There are certain minor details to my story that are just the worst way the variables could have gone. So all together it was like being hit by a truck that hasn’t driven away yet.

This scene makes me cry every single time.

Cheating is not very dignified either and if you want proof that someone has deceived you, I think you have a right to get it. I’d only feel guilty if I didn’t find anything.

When I divorced my husband, both my Grandmother and Mother were baffled...

A ten year old I know overheard me telling his mother (on the phone) that I was considering leaving my job for somewhere with greener dating pastures. He called out, “Has she tried a Jewish dating service?”