
I in no way feel sympathy for him, but I think he’s unraveling rapidly at the seams. He’s drawing fewer people to his circlejerk rallies, the administration is up to its ass in lawsuits, despite changing staff repeatedly, the “leaks” haven’t stopped, the US government took a directive from HILLARY CLINTON on aid to

After I read all the entries, my dog’s pre-bedtime potty breaks from now until December will end with both of us running back home as fast as we can the moment he’s done. I don’t know if he senses my fear or just humors me or just loves running as fast as we can. But he’s a great terror-buddy!

I didn’t agree with that advice at all either. Sending a thank you note to someone who made the time and effort to send you a gift, even if it’s ‘only’ your mom’s friend, is just not that big a deal. Get a stack of thank you cards and a book of stamps. It’s neither horridly expensive nor time consuming to write a few

Yes! How hard is it to regularly buy a stack of Thank-you cards and a roll of stamps? I don’t know why some people find it such a burden to be polite.

As someone with family members who are sticklers about this, I gotta say I don’t think the issue is that LW doesn’t want to write thank you notes - it’s that her mom is pressing this cycle of gifts-from-strangers and demanding immediate responses. Five minutes might not seem like a lot, but it can be a lot to suddenly

As a general matter, the small amount of money and time you spend on a thank you is a small price to pay relative to the value of the gift you received.

Agreed. Don’t be an asshole not say “thank you” when someone gives you a present, whether or not you needed or wanted it. If you received a gift in person, would you just ignore the gift-giver? No. You would say “thank you” because you are a consider human being and don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings who did

Check your moral compass and consider your options:

Until he decides to start speaking to them again and then decides it’s somehow your fault he previously burned bridges, throws a mantrum and blames you for all the “wasted years”. And then decides he wants a separation because of this... But he says this on his way out to go visit said horrid family... Only to come

You sometimes don’t know if it’s a shit family until later, though. When I joined up with my husband, his “normal” family looked down on mine because my parents were serial marriers and my mom was a doctor and the principal breadwinner in the family. We weren’t rich, but my folks did have very good educations and

Oh, my. Your Mom sounds great. My Mom always advised me to never sit by the phone waiting for some guy to call (yes, I’m old,) and she also used to say, “Time wounds all heels.” I’m still waiting for this to apply to Cheeto Hitler, but it was good advice nonetheless.

Well done on cutting out the toxic people, for real. Luckily for me, all the toxic people in my family are now dead!!! So that made cutting them out a lot easier...

Oh yeah, no doubt, but I’ve been to more and more weddings recently with small children SCREAMING during the vows and what not and the looks of pain and regret on the wedding party’s faces has been painful. Sometimes that’s a choice they’ve made and they’re happy with it; recently a bride told me that her

Who even wants to bring kids to a wedding? I want to get rocked on the open bar then have a sloppy make out session with my wife, not watch my 2 year old. Luckily we have no friends so we can skip this whole issue

My boss found out her son was seeing a co-worker when his wife was going off the rails with mental illness. His wife had accused my boss’ family of some pretty heinous things as a part of her illness.

It’s nearly for certain that he’s been spewing some narrative that LW is some flavor of crazy/mean/terrible butttt she’s also broken/sick/can’t function so he ever so saintly digs in and hangs in there because he’s a good guy just trapped by the circumstance of life or some horseshit.

Honestly? As much as your husband lied to you, he lied to her. I know that doesn’t make it better, but it’s true. All the gaslighting he did to you, he did to her. I’ve been there. Started off a relationship with a guy who said he and his wife were just roommates, she’s never even home most of the time and stays with

Source: Me. My son was less than 2 months old when I left my ex-husband. I was about 7 months pregnant when I found out he was having an emotional affair with a coworker of ours. I moved in with my in-laws, who knew the reasons behind our split.

Yup. She has an obligation to turn the baby into an adult. The husband, not so much!

The amount of time that affair continued, along with the lengths he went to to cover it up tell me one thing: He won’t stop. He sounds messed up. You sort of have to be to carry something on like that for so long. My husband carried on a affair for a long time and eventually came clean to me. He also has some