
I think he’s trying to tell us that everybody fucking knew.

“Their courage only hangs a lantern on my shame”

Call your friends out. Call them out immediately. If they are being sketchy tell them. If they are being gross tell them. Don’t laugh at it. Don’t pass it off because you know they’re good people or they’re generous with you. Tell them to cut the shit. And tell them to tell you if they see you being sketchy.

Man, I hope Rose McGowan is okay. I know she is finally venting a lot of emotions she has kept bottled up about her abuse from Weinstein and his enablers, but her tweets have me a little bit worried. Fight the good fight, Rose, but don’t let it consume you.

Of all the advocates Weinstein would NOT want, uh...

Oh! the irony of using “witch hunt” in this context! Yes, let us use this term whose etymology is rooted in a hugely misogynist and patriarchal period of our country’s past when women and girls were accused for going out of step of strict gender roles to describe the actions of when men are accused of upholding strict

If only some cunning sleuth could connect the dots to figure out who the perpetrator was. If only this puzzle didn’t have so many missing pieces...

“And now, here is Casey Affleck to present the Roman Polanski lifetime achievement award to Woody Allen!”

He could also be pissed that Weinstein bought the Oscar for Shakespeare in Love over Saving Private Ryan. If America’s Dad holds grudges... even better.

I’m calling complete and total bullshit on Quentin Tarantino. I only say this because he’s overtly immature, kinky, became best buddies with Weinstein when he was very young and had sudden power, has treated “Harvey” like a film industry guru ever since then, and has sexually harassed a producer who included the tacky

I get the feeling that a lot of people in Hollywood are hoping to just offer up Weinstein as a sacrifice to prove that they’re attempting to take care of their institutionalized issues with power (and then easing up on the abuse for a year or so until the storm blows over and inevitably going back to business as

You might say it’s the biggest takedown since Max Landis’ father killed three people with a helicopter.

There’s another article that points out that Deborah Landis in previous interviews has actually said that Greatest Show on Earth was one of the inspirations for the costume. But it wasn’t the only inspiration. Leave Stanley alone!

It’s true. I can’t deny that.

This guy, if he’s still around, will be first in jail when Crews becomes president. Which we’ve seen happen, and which was a better presidency than the one we’ve got now.

I think Congress would be much more effective if Terry Crews fired a machine gun into the ceiling every now and then and told them to shut the fuck up and work.

Time to make the comment I always make when somebody compares Trump to Camacho:

President Camacho would be such an improvement right now.

The kind of fucked up where you know you could get him fired and jailed in ten minutes. Crews was 100% on point.

Everyone’s shit is emotional right now.