
The police tend to make situations worse. 

Ehhhh I’d rather minimize my involvement with the police if I can help it, thankyouverymuch.

Youn Yuh-Jung did a hall of fame-worthy presentation job last night, what with a funny joke about reaping what she sows regarding name pronunciations, signing that Troy Kotsur won, instinctively holding his Oscar so he could sign his acceptance speech, then watching him lovingly as he gave his speech. I really want to

Not sure about the owing it to himself part in this case. Rock has a lot to be gained from demonstrating that he’s the bigger man, and he’ll be dining out on the incident for years, if not the rest of his life.

“Damn, Will. If I would have slept with her, you’d be less mad”

I learned the ASL clap back when American Gladiators had Siren, the deaf gladiator.

if the word “cuck” had left Rock’s mouth we might be talking about murder charges this morning LOL

It’s got to be a genuine concern that Will Smith has now normalised assaulting stand-up comedians. If an A-lister can do it on the Oscar stage and get a standing ovation half an hour later, goodness knows nobody at a comedy club is now safe. And yeah, Chris Rock’s joke was unfunny and ableist, but still.

Smith looked like such a pompous, drugged up buffoon during his acceptance speech. Those glassy eyes and the moronic gibberish that poured out of his mouth was almost as bad as the slap. What an egomaniac dipshit.

I think it was in poor taste to make a joke about her alopecia on national tv with her sitting a few yards away. 

That sucks.  Rife and Dowd are great.  G/O is not.  Learn to treat your employees fairly, you fucks.

Given that the sole source for this is Radio Free Asia, which is explicitly an organ of US foreign policy, and that 99.5% of Squid Game hammers the point that life in South Korea is such hell that the contestants would rather play the Game, this “news” has me cocking multiple eyebrows.

You were right, you definitely lost me with the Magnolia ranking

Just a thought, but could we NOT just repeat any absolutely horseshit story circulated by obvious propaganda machines because it makes for a titillating storyline?

Every goddamn time there’s some “they fed people to SHARKS in North Korea! Our source told us this!” story, two months later the shark-fed people emerge

This probably didn’t happen, Radio Free Asia is a propaganda arm of the CIA and I haven’t seen any legitimate news sources report on this.

Cat Grant revealed she knew to the audience in that ep years ago- it’s right after Kara is out of earshot that the audience hears Cat say, “go get ‘em, Supergirl.”

There’s a lot of “Eternals is bad but I can’t put any blame on Zhao” stuff from critics right now.

I am still extremely surprised that Monaghan’s career is where it’s at. After Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Mission Impossible III, I thought she’d just take off. But the only thing I’m sure I’ve seen her in since are basically cameos in Mission Impossible sequels.

nothing from tales from the hood? or Cats Eye?

This ain’t no funeral home! It ain’t the Terror Dome, neither! Welcome to Hell, motherfuckers!