
Popular Youtube personality turns out to be total scumbag. In other news, water remains wet.

I imagine it’s the biggest paycheque he gets, and he’d like to get it every two years, rather than every three.

Damn Jonathan Demme because every time I hear American Girl I think about the poor young woman who is about to be kidnapped by Buffalo Bill.

And that’s too bad, because it’s a great song.

Meanwhile this ad is shown with this article. WTF?

The second half of James Cameron’s career has really done a lot to undermine all the goodwill he earned in the first half of his career. Pro tip: the guy who did the striptease scene in True Lies might not be the ultimate authority on feminism.

Tell me about it. This season specifically has given a few moments that put us in the awkward situation of rooting for the Nazi, from John Smith doing what he can to protect his son to uncomfortable moment when you're like, "Yeah! Go Himmler. Wait, what hell am I saying?"

I've just rewatched the scene with subtitles. Kido clearly tells Smith the Empire doesn't have nukes but at the same time the film cannot be fake. He then asks Smith whether anyone else besides Hitler has seen the films.

Let's also not forget Childan and Eddie are on a Japanese bus.. filled with other Americans.. fleeing the city….. What other buses filed with Americans leaving San Francisco have been discussed this season, hmm??

That movie about Hitler in the bunker Downfall was just the tail end of 15 years of that shit. The generals you see are the terrified remnants. The loathsome Goebbels was considered the practical, sane one in the leadership (then: night, night children). Silent Bormann by Hitler's side was the survivor's survivor.

Exactly. It's not like the show is extolling the virtues of Nazism. Thomas dying was a massive insult against the regime. Here's a kid who would probably be an outstanding person if he's not brainwashed at birth, walking to his own death over an idiotic policy. He's a perfect citizen who's thrown his life away,

John Smith is probably the most competent guy that they have running round. None of the other American SS guys has seemed very impressive. Eliminating John Smith might make it easier for the resistance to operate. At the end of the day, he would be replaced but you can hope by someone less competent. The problem

That's why the plotting is so brilliant. When Himmler gets up there and gives his big rah-rah speech you're simultaneously relieved that the conspiracy was found out and the world won't end while also being horrified at Himmler and his promise that nobody can defeat the Reich.

The Himmler shit was like "Am I actively kind of rooting for Heinrich Fucking Himmler?"

Agreed. I think the Second World War can be a bit tricky since people are willing to point to Nazi and Imperial Japanese ideology as being the objective moral floor from a purely "long term well-being of the species" perspective, but finding the ceiling in an era where the "good guys" starved half of India

I feel like it's gone for moral simplicity at times - I mean, realistically, resistance led in the Pacific States would probably be more explicitly racist against the Japanese than the series suggests (like the racist elements of how American news media considered the war in the Pacific) - but this season it at least

A large part of that comes from the fact that the Japanese really did stagnate technologically during the second world war. By the end of 1943 their previously impressive zero was outgunned and outmatched by pretty much everything in the sky. The lack of raw materials and dedication to R&D fucked them over.

First, you mean Tagomi and Kido or Kido and Smith; Tagomi and Smith don't interact. Second, IIRC, they discussed whether it was possible the film could be fake, and concluded it was too realistic to not be real. And indeed, it is real - just real from another world.

Yeah it's not at all clear that Smith knows it's a bluff. I'll need to watch it again, but I'm pretty sure Tagomi bluffed both Kido and Smith. Which is kind of awesome.

As I understand it, the existence of the films are fairly common knowledge among the top Nazi brass, but not the fact that they depict alternate universes. They probably just think they're cheap, amateurish Resistance propaganda mixed with pre-war footage of various now-banned cultural stuff. Remember that when the

I loved this show, and this season finale, precisely because of the "moral confusion". Just because the Resistance are Americans does not necessarily make them the good guys. And just because John Smith is a freakin' Nazi doesn't automatically make him the bad guy. They're all just human, with differing levels of