The Bourne Valedictorian

I don’t personally know of anyone that is excited about Gladiator II.

Agree I genuinely was excited for what the next chapter would bring, but I’ve certainly stopped holding my breath.

I’d agree if there is a weak point to 2049 is it’s self-mythologizing and self-referential. A lot of “hey guys, remember this?” I think it missteps on the question “does the film stand on its own”.

and he got to make another sequel to it after that!

Not comparable. A better comparison is slavery (because that’s what Replicants were). Yes, there were a few insignificant hopeless rebellions like Nat Turner’s, but there never was an organized slave rebellion on a big scale. Instead, what organization that existed (such as the Underground Railroad) was just about

One thing I’ll give the BR dealio credit for is that, well, if there is a movie/TV show where the robots/replicants set up a resistant organisation, BR fits the bill much better than others, since the replicants are largely human. And I don’t just mean “Gosh, they look like people”. They actually have, on some level,

He was supposed to direct the Blade Runner sequel more than 30 years after his original film, but had to pass up the opportunity in order to work on an Alien installment, Prometheus.

Oh yeah? Well I wasn’t happy when James Cameron gave away his chance to direct Battle Angel Alita after holding the film rights for over a decade in order to make a crossover between Dances with Wolves, the Smurfs, and Fern Gully.

He started it for us wholesale.

“The bad men didn’t let me work on the sequel to one of my films because I was working on the sequel to one of my other films” is a weird complaint.

Sure BR2049 doesn’t stand on its own, but that’s okay. It’s a sequel. It riffs on the beats of the original, but also evolves them and has a vibe all its own. And story was never the original’s strength either, let’s be honest. Maybe a stretch to call 2049 better, but it’s a good movie.

Prometheus is the most

Prometheus and Alien Covenant are perfectly serviceable scifi horror movies, and they’re exactly as dumb and silly as that description implies. The idea that they’re the worst entries in a series that includes Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection is absurd.

And I didn’t like the whole implication that there’s a whole Replicant resistance movement in BR2049. That’s just so trite like they are setting up a whole Replicant Rebel Alliance against the evil empire of Tyrell (or whatever Jared Leto’s successor company was). I liked how the original Blade Runner was small scale.

A lot of people mocked Prometheus when it was released too.

My take on Prometheus is that Scott saw an opportunity to gain at last control of the Alien franchise by promising to the producers some horror scif-fi R-rated 3D trilogy that had Avatar potential. Of course, Scott being Scott, he delivered something with terrific photography and production design, but a terrible

Seriously. Imagine saying you “authored” movies with credited fucking screenwriters.

Interestingly (and I may be of a minority opinion here) both Bladerunner 2049 and Prometheus are seriously underrated.

What a dick.”

Ah. I see I’m truly dealing with the star of the varsity debate squad here.

“I’m the author of two franchises.”