The Bourne Valedictorian
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It does bring to mind Robbie Rotten from Lazytown. (R.I.P Stefan Karl Stefansson).

I admire Jacob’s effort in fully documenting this disaster.  I didn’t count paragraphs but this was robust.

Yeah, it’s a good one!

Good luck, homie!

In that header image, Zac Efron looks older than Nicole Kidman.

Forgot he did Watchmen.  I wasn’t too annoyed with Lost, but he apparently learned some lessons from it.  

I stopped bitching about Lindelof after Watchmen. I went back and finished Leftovers after that and it is indeed one of the best shows ever.


Unabashed love for this wonderful and weird show. I read the book and was so excited to see it on screen. it lived up to the nutso world Perrotta created. The show was never about “What happened?”, but more about “What happens.” So that the show actually answered that (in a way) surprised me.

You can bitch about Lindelof, but between Lost and Leftovers, he has like 6 of the best hours of TV ever.

That last episode of The Leftovers is one of the weirdest things I have ever seen. But it completely held my attention the whole time which is rare for a one hour show.

One of my top five shows of all time, and while it does get a lot of acclaim from the right places, I think it deserves even more - it really deserves to be on the same pedestal as Sopranos, The Wire, the BBverse, etc. Just beautiful television.

The entire time I watched this show I kept asking myself “what IS this? What does any of this MEAN?” And then in the last 10 minutes when they finally reveal everything I screamed “THIS IS THE BEST SHOW I HAVE EVER SEEN.”

There aren’t a lot of shows where the weakest episode is still better TV than almost anything else on contemporaneously but this show pulled it off. Carrie Coon is amazing and this for me is the best thing Eccleston has ever done. The finale wrecked me & I still think about it often.

The director places the camera and stages and frames the shots. The director of photography lights and selects the technical loadout necessary to achieve the look the director wants.

ATTENTION EVERYONE: KATIE RIFE HAS RETURNED. Who says all good things must come to an end?

I also disagree, but kinda feel that the breaking of its own rules hurt the movie some in the second half.

If I were in this movie I would survive through the sheer power of no one wanting to fuck me.

But Die Hard 2 was good and I actually saw it before I saw the original.