The Bourne Valedictorian

You need a drink, this was an aggressively over the top response to the other dude’s reasonable opinion. Calm down, man!

I think the Strangers has the problem, unlike this trilogy here, that it feels completely unnecessary. The old movies already exist.
And the first movie of this new trilogy doesn’t bring anything really new to the table that the old movies haven’t already done...just back then they have done it better.
Sure, maybe when

Pearl was definitely the best of the three.  All of them are enjoyable in their own ways (and I was not really a Ti West fan going into them), but the Mia Goth’s performance in Pearl, not to mention the absolutely fucking fantastic cinematography, make it a cut above the rest.

I don’t think he knew a name, he knew where he was, he was trying to get Maxine to go there to meet with him.

I thought it was a lot of fun, Kevin Bacon was fantastic.

Dragon saddles need ejector seats.

I am older now (obviously) than when I watched GoT - more emotional instead of more cynical, though.

Agreed. Sounds like he’s at least 5, maybe 6 degrees separated from normal people. 

Do you remember when a movie showtime was actually the time the movie started? Nowadays, the showtime is when 30-40 minutes of ads for upcoming movies, soft drinks, and the movie theater you’re already at start. I actually timed it for the last few movies I’ve seen and it was 35 minutes or more each time.

Oh, I think you’d recognize the name if you saw it.

It’s okay, we’re all allowed to be grievously wrong sometimes.

Just relax and enjoy,  we will all be dead soon

I always think of Arrested Development and George Michael’s fear of visiting Pop Pop in prison because he mixed up Oz with The Wizard of Oz as a kiddo.

Makes sense. I knew they had a S4 on the way and when I finished S3, I thought they really could have condensed a few episodes here to make it one season.

The scene between Tina and Mikey is so good. Obviously, Liza is fantastic so not downplaying that, but man, that’s such a showcase for the raw, natural charisma that Jon Bernthal possesses. It’s not quite “Walton Goggins” level for me, but it’s damn close.

I was listening to the latest episode of Chris Ryan and Andy Greenwald’s podcast, The Watch, and they were talking about the first five episodes (they’re doing the last five on Monday), and the pacing issues. They said that, apparently/allegedly, Storer had a three-season arc planned out but FX/Hulu basically told him

I can’t believe I didn’t immediately piece together that David and Liza are married, given they’re both named Zayas and that’d be a hell of a coincidence to cast them as a fictional married couple. When he popped up this season the only thing I was thinking was, “Hey, Angel is here, I love that dude!”

The theme of this season is that everyone gets a moment to shine. This was a really nice episode though.

He’s also acknowledged repeatedly how phobic some of his standup material was, and that he cringes now when he hears it. It was such common humor at the time that few people who weren’t themselves gay thought twice.

That’s also one of my unpopular opinions about Eddie Murphy: Delirious - The opening segment about gay men contains a truly staggering amount of gay panic and f-slurs. But it’s also very gay-positive for its time.