The Bourne Valedictorian

All three were filmed in ways to reflect cinema of the time the movie is set, but yeah Pearl definitely benefitted the most from that style for sure (though I did enjoy X’s Texas Chainsaw vibe).

If they all talked all the time and sounded like Benedict Cumberbatch I’d be okay with them getting offed.

I will say it’s why the AMC theater where I can reserve my seats is far and away my favorite theater, now. Aside from having the only Dolby screen in the area, complete with recliners and dividers between rows big enough that you don’t see the people in front of you—AND enough space in aisles that you aren’t tripping

I love a solid stream of consciousness comment. Well done.

I’m running through the old AV commentariat rolodex and can’t land on just one.  I never really went away so I can only assume it’s not me.

So you’re saying the trailer was completely accurate and sold us on what the film is?  Awesome.  That’s worthy of a “B” grade all by itself.  Well, that and the fact that there is always a place for ridiculous, gratuitously violent cinema that barely makes sense but is a hell of a lot of fun when done right.

He’s getting there for sure.  Goggins really should be the pinnacle that all character actors strive for that aren’t named Margo Martindale, obviously.

Oh oh OH oh oh o-o-oh

I actually had a discussion in the comments with another commenter very recently along these same lines that stemmed from a comment I made regarding telling my children there are plenty of ways to make a living that don’t involve college...He was a little offended that education has turned into figuring out your

I forget there is a plot half the time while watching this show, since it mostly serves to give the actors time to shine. I seriously don’t think Jamie Lee Curtis has ever been better in anything than she has been on the Bear. The guest stars this show corrals is truly impressive. Hell, it may be one of John Cena’s

and Bronson Pinchot!  I don’t think that was the last thing I had seen him in before watching the new BHC today....but it was probably close.

I was impressed how they fit every single hit from the first three soundtracks into the first 20 minutes of the new film.  Seriously--that took some work and it got to the point I had to actually look up the hits and see where they all charted and they got every single one in there at least once...I’m still not sure

--God, probably

I have one customer at my job that posts her replies to my emails by replying—and CHANGING THE GODDAMN SUBJECT LINE TO HER ANSWER EVERY SINGLE TIME. Literally nothing new in the body.  Her answer is entirely the new subject line, but she leaves the RE:.  You want to talk about maniacs? That is some next-level shit

What I wouldn’t give for the opportunity to shout “GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY OF THE SUGAR, KEVIN BACON!” Hell, I might just do it next time I’m in a crowded place. I bet lots of people get out of my way, either because they are looking for Kevin Bacon or realizing he wasn’t ever there...

John Mulaney’s jokes about not being recognized in rehab were pretty damn funny.

I saw this fucking story everywhere for a solid hour.  “Kevin Bacon tries being normal and it sucks!” is such a strange headline for lots of reasons.

That sounds like a perfect ‘workshopping’ set up for jokes.

That just shows how far removed from normal people he truly is, since is someone said that shit out of the blue to 99% of us we’d either run, mace them, or both.

That bitch has delayed every movie I’ve seen the last three years with the same boring-ass story (though she’s been changing it up a bit hasn’t helped much).