The Bourne Valedictorian


I assume your professional diagnosis of Trump’s many, many cognitive failings at his rallies and falling asleep at his trial is along the same lines there, sport?

They’ve been so far from the comics storylines at this point I do not think there’s even a chance that the Butcher story plays out that way.  He’s rude in this show, but not nearly as much of a straight up asshole as he was in the comics.

I have been under the impression that she’s known A-Train is the leak for a while now.  She’s given him looks and said things that seem to hint she has a good idea it’s him.

I live in Tennessee, and thus recognized the portrait of this backward-ass state’s hero (and first grand wizard of the KKK) Nathan Bedford Forrest...there is a fucking state park named after him. I did chuckle at that horrifying easter egg in Tek-Knight’s cave of horribleness.

Yeah that bit in particular felt like they sure thought it was clever...but it bears no resemblance to real life--particularly when the news that Vought created the Supes in test tubes and with volunteers has been out in the world for a while now.  The only way it works is for a similar phrase to mean something else

Oh yeah I think this season ends with him dying--likely at the hands of Homelander. It’s felt like it’s been heading that way for a while.

I’m not convinced we’ve seen Sister Sage’s end game yet. I think she is very good at emulating whoever she’s speaking to and saying things to manipulate them. I could be wrong, but my assumption is her brain will take just a little bit longer to heal from a gunshot wound than her improvised lobotomies.

The last season was good and had maybe the best insult out of JLD’s mouth of the entire show.

Maybe you missed the last 10 minutes or so? Most of that happens then—MM has a panic attack after shooting sage, and Kimiko uses books to convey to A-Train that he needs to run MM to the hospital. They took Hughie to the party, but him in Web Weaver’s uniform and were waiting outside if (when) he needed their help.

It’s just weird to me that Trump’s obvious cognitive decline (I mean, dude was on pause for a full 90-seconds) does not get discussed AT ALL, except by late night comedians.  I’m not comfortable with either choice, but at least I know Biden doesn’t surround himself with crony yes-men or the 2025 Project people (who

I am not young, by any means, and I’m absolutely sure I’m not the first to ask this question...but how in the fuck is it that every single election I’m wondering how we got down to the two candidates remaining as ‘the best of the bunch’?

Honestly teaching would be a dream job for me (and I do get to do it some in my career, but it’s mostly teaching others how to do our jobs without being selfish assholes) but the reality is I make a lot more in my career than I ever could teaching. My wife is a teacher of elementary school age children and her job is

Oh don’t even get me started on Reagan. I live in an area where he’s a hero, and no one here wants to hear my diatribe on how his policies destroyed the middle class and American Dream in one fell swoop, and somehow Republicans still believe “trickle down” is a thing that is good for them. I 100% think higher

Oh I agree and love Carpenter’s best stuff, I was just pointing out that he basically got his start with visual-style over story-telling. His restraint and ‘slow burn’ in Halloween is something I actually think West owes a lot to with House of the Devil. We see what—4 kills in Halloween? And you have to think pretty

Oh trust me, I get it, and I agree it’s frustrating.  I never said it was the only factor, but living in a capitalist system requires money if you want any sort of security in life. My career is hardly my ‘dream job’, but it IS a means to enjoying things outside of work and being able to provide for my family. I hope

I’m assuming she’s talking about the ‘family’ stuff --which was enjoyable and did help make the superhero spies more relatable, so I guess that’s something?

I tell my kids this same thing all the time.  They’re very smart and college seems likely for all of them, but I would have no issues with them telling me they were going to trade school.  There’s a lot of money in trades (as anyone who has ever had to call a repairman for anything can testify to).

I don’t think this is true, though--didn’t freakin’ Tubi produce a pretty good show recently?  I think anyone with something that halfway sounds like it could be a show these days has a good chance of getting it made.

Okay--THAT is nuts.  Very cool, but nuts.  There might be two drive-ins within two hours of where I live, and I’m big city adjacent.  I like drive-ins fine and find them to be a really unique experience, but give me huge screen, state of the art sound systems any day of the week.  Though being able to fart freely