The Bourne Valedictorian

While it was an interesting idea to try and find ‘visionary’ directors for the Aliens films (and honestly it’s quite a pedigree...except for AvP which I do not ever discuss as serious films) it’s unfortunate that Fincher’s experience was so bad. The history of Alien 3 is more interesting than the film itself, but I

I loved Blade Runner...but Prometheus was a mess. 2049 had the same thing going for it that the first one did—amazing visuals and a fully-realized world. I watched the first one with my oldest a few months ago, and he commented how much it looked like the recent Cyberpunk game. Still pretty impressive how much

I think the commenter is actually A.I. who’s programming switched from ‘defensive’ to ‘edgy’ with no warning at all!

Goddammit THAT’S where it is!  I’ve been looking on Paramount every day thinking my app just hadn’t updated or is it doing on Netflix?

I feel like maybe you missed the point.  The letter is surely easy enough to understand, yes?

Well....someone’s in a mood.

After so many reviews talked about what a good book this was I decided to check it out and skip this one at the theaters. I actually finished it today—just in time to catch this on streaming. It really is a shame the Shyamalan’s can’t trust their source material more. The changes are largely annoying and so very

Yeah I caught this at the theater myself.  Found it to be a tad over-rated but enjoyed it overall.  The acting and some of the story choices were not great (the story of the watch seemed so shoe-horned in it annoyed me).  I also didn’t realize how annoyed I would be to see a horror movie filled with dumb characters

Having read the book, it’s VERY weird (and just one more odd thing in an adaptation of a horror book that could have been followed to the letter and been a very good movie) for her to be the tallest.  I at least waited until the release date to watch it at home, but it’s just frustrating and baffling, and a sad

Oh come on, have you MET the internet?  They’ve moved on/are back around to hating Star Wars again.

International Assassin is one of the weirdest, greatest most thrilling episodes of TV I’ve seen in my life, but man “Guest” was fucking fantastic too.

Mrs. Davis is so under-rated and so much fun.

It actually is a pretty under-rated sequel.  It checks all the boxes:  more of the same but bigger, smarmier, self-referential and just enough slight (but obvious) twists to keep it interesting.

I’ve not tried this line before, but it sure seems like it would be effective.

“Oh, they’re all followin’ now”

Out of all the opinions I agree with this the most--and it annoys me a lot when horror films do this.  It was really good, right up until this moment and then it was like ‘well why even state that’s probably a rule if it isn’t?’

The next one will be “motherfucker they’re STILL following!”

What if I took a plane with someone I planned on sleeping with, but didn’t sleep with them until I got to a place very far away, and then we went home? When, exactly, does the ‘following’ begin, I guess is my question? When the act starts or when it ends, or when it’s pretty apparent it’s going to happen but maybe

Thank you for this new thing.  I will be consuming it soon.