The Bourne Valedictorian

This is my favorite comment in a long, long while, and I hope other people at least scroll down here on this god-awful looking movie’s review to see it.

If there was ever a movie that you just knew this grade was coming...

It really is an uncanny resemblance.

I have no idea what any of this means, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit intrigued.

I honestly didn’t know this was a thing until this article....and the whole time I was reading it I was thinking “who gives a shit?”

Oh I didn’t take offense at all--I know lots of collectors that are more “flippers” than collector’s and just buy everything they think they might be able to sell for more money.  

So where does “T” fit in?  Just...PG?  

I’m genuinely a little worried that’s where Alien: Romulus got scheduled.  The trailers look really good....but all the Aliens movies have had pretty decent trailers.   Except, of course, Aliens vs Predator, where somehow the trailers were as bad as the movies.

You know, it’s weird that I never really thought about game snobs existing until just now.  I mean, it makes sense there would be some, but somehow with all my years of gaming I guess I’d never really heard or read about one (or from one!) until just now.  

The Tiny Tina game came out just a couple of years ago? My kids played it a lot. Borderlands was...fine, I guess? For me it always had a ‘trying too hard to be edgy’ vibe, though the gameplay did have some fun moments.  I never finished any of them, and don’t really remember any single set pieces from it like I do the

Yeah I don’t think going after gamers will save this--because it looks fucking terrible from the trailers I’ve seen.  I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a trailer with such obvious “We are so much like the Guardians you might not know the difference!  ...I am Groot?” vibes in my life.  

Yeah I doubt they’d be good after that long.

Sage is awesome and my favorite new character of the show. I’m a sucker for smart characters with hidden agendas. She clearly has a lot going on we don’t know about, and I’m looking forward to seeing that play out. Plus, the idea of the world’s smartest person being dismissive of humanity totally tracks and is about

I honestly thought Gen V was a better paced show than most seasons of The Boys has been so far—likely because it obviously borrows a lot straight from New Mutants/Generation X/Original X-Men comics. The first season was definitely better than at least 5 of the 10 X-Men universe films (I’m not counting Deadpool in that

The relationship with him and Kimiko was a plutonic love thing in the comics, too, so the show took that from there—the rest of it though...blergh. His background might have been similar but I honestly don’t remember. I re-read my favorite arcs of that series several times, but I recall nothing about Frenchie’s

No, the other one.

He did have everyone assigned to the project in the room by the end. It’s something they obviously don’t want getting out, so unless there was a need for them to be reporting it makes sense to me it could be a long while before anyone realized there was something wrong...

It was probably both—”CBS appeals to old people” is hardly original comedic territory.  Hell, those jokes are as old as people that watch CBS.

Oh yeah I read a lot of them, collecting is just a by-product of my teenage years and a habit I’ve cut way back on.

Yeah the DC events exhausted me a long time ago.  Marvel’s are hit and miss, but I am glad they gave up on one event leading straight into another.  Hickman’s secret wars is still one of my favorites--though the many, MANY offshoots were very hit or miss.