The Bourne Valedictorian

Oh yeah for sure, it’s more a habit anymore, but I have pared it down to only things I care about anymore--which mostly means a handful of independent titles, and the occasional ‘big two’ book.  I do still read several titles online (a lot of the Star Wars titles are surprisingly good, but like most comics it depends

I’m surprised they do it at all, frankly.  Not many other shows out there that post the entire show online, free, a few days after they air.

Good luck on the next ‘downsizing for growth’ wave!  Tenure tends to go first from what I’ve seen...

Nice--the ultimate bad take of bad takes.  Take a bow, dude.

I feel like it’s a lock that most of the MCU will be in Deadpool 3 at this point...which might be okay assuming they will be making fun of it all—but even now it’s still sort of ‘meh’ feeling. When other projects have made better, weirder and far more interesting multi-verse stuff even now (looking at you, Dark

On the plus side, life as a collector is better when you give no shits about a huge event.  I’ve bought two of these, decided I wasn’t interested and was able to pass on just about everything Marvel for months now...

Maybe read the article before commenting? 

What fun fights those would be though: “You just made track #1 buddy!!” and “Oh this is a line that will be scribbled on teenage girls notebooks everywhere!”

There are dozens of us!!  DOZENS!!!

ALWAYS seems a little harsh given that out of the vast number of sexual characters on this show a small handful are gay.

Pretty much the entire reason I watched Succession (and admittedly I abandoned it during the first season, but came back to it in the second and found the ‘groove’ it takes to watch it) and it really turned into one of the better shows on TV while having no one worth rooting for the entire time.

yeah but unfortunately that’s the part he’s rooting for...

This—lots of movies and shows make the choice to not show murders on screen to be more effective, and the sound effects definitely made it worse and more stomach-churning.

Well this doesn’t fit the “go woke get broken” narrative my parents have been fed at all!  

Totally down with this—though I’d add the ‘sequels nobody knew they wanted until they came out’ of which The Color of Money is the only one I can think of off-hand, but I’m sure there are more.

Eminem is pretty much Trey Parker and Matt Stone in music form at this point.

Okay saw it today and feel it might be just a tad over-rated. While I like the idea of following the killer much more than these types of films usually do, I was torn on the square-framing style. It added a little bit of a claustrophobic feel to it, but I think having it in widescreen might have amplified this more,

Haha yeah I saw it today and most of the kills were Hatchet level...except the one, and oh my was it something else entirely.

Yeah I saw it today and that was one of my biggest issues with it--the characters were just...slow.  Slow to react, slow on the uptake, and slow to realize what was happening.  It may have been intentional by the director, given how much of their early conversation (around the campfire, natch) revolves around the word

I remember how awesome this commercial was...and how fast it got banned from TV for being too intense.