The Bourne Valedictorian

Eh, I always liked the show, but never knew anything much about Seinfeld aside from the fact that he had a very young girlfriend (which even then was a little gross). All this is doing is further confirming my suspicions that the more I know about actors personal lives and beliefs the less likely I am to like them

Oh sure it was a 100% facetious post—any company (which seems to be most companies these days) that’s beholden to stock holders have to show that they’re try and fix things. Unfortunately that something is almost always laying off people at the bottom that had nothing to do with the situation

Wall-E is probably about as anti-corporate as they’ll ever be...but it was a pretty strong message for those that cared to listen.  And if you didn’t care about that, then the movie was pretty entertaining, too.

All major animation studios are part of large corporations now (as are most studios in general, it seems--the 20+ studios of my youth have all been absorbed it seems).

Even the last Puss in Boots movie had a notably different and cool appearance than the Shrek movies (and was an entertaining movie to boot)

It’s interesting how these ‘cleaning house to go in a new direction’ layoffs never seem to clean out the people at the top that greenlit all the bad decisions that led to the layoffs...

Not reading this as I don’t want to know (had my tickets since I started reading reviews about it) just came down here to say I’m stoked, and will have more to add after tomorrow!!

Yeah I’m with you--Cruise is basically the one that made me decide I’d probably not like most famous people were I to know more about them.  

As a massive horror fan I’ve had my tickets to this for a week now (which is great, since the deluxe AMC near me somehow has a theater with about 20 seats, and it appears it will sell out)--basically since seeing the reviews popping up everywhere about it being a new take on slasher pics.  I’m stoked--bring on the

“Black hole of charisma” is pretty goddamn great.  thanks for that!

And both will inevitably happen at some point....unless one happens while you’re doing the other, I guess.

He’s got to be that way so people don’t think too hard about the leader of his cult’s wife, who has been missing many, many years now, and the fact that Cruise (who very much has the power in that church to call out the leaders) has said or done nothing about it. Of course, that’s tip of the iceberg for all the awful,

Yeah I could pick Sydney Sweeney out of a line-up way before Glen Powell.

bomb after bomb?   The Rock seems to have cost himself a lot of standing through his many bad choices (Jumanji excepted, of course) the past...oh, let’s say, 7ish years.

To paraphrase Michael Bluth: Him?

Nah I legit thought they were great effects, there were just a couple of scenes where she looked too much like her and the area around was just a little too shiny. Thanks for the confirmation—I saw it again on IMAX after posting this and was trying to pay better attention, and it is the scenes when she’s with Immortan

I can’t swear to this, of course, but I feel 99% sure the girl playing younger Furiosa’s face is very-slightly digitally manipulated to have her resemble Anya Taylor-Joy a bit more than she does in real life. It’s a great effect—I barely noticed it, but there was a scene or two that her face was just a hair too

I think you are really going to enjoy Furiosa based on this.  I loved it, but it definitely is a slightly different style and vibe to it, while still having some amazing action sequences.  There are more quiet moments in this, and those manage to enrich the world, while also expanding on some of the ideas and

Honestly those are the things I really appreciated about this. A character-driven plot told in a different way than most of these (i.e. Max stumbles into a thing already happening) and at a different pace. Personally I’d put “The Stowaway” chapter up there with any of Miller’s ‘set piece’ sequences. Not as long, for

lol this is impressively wrong.  Miller would not make a Max film if the studio or “everyone behind the scenes” told him how to make it.  He owns that world and does what he wants with it, always.  It was all George Miller. Why you think there was some sort of studio interference is beyond me. Max lives in Miller’s