The Bourne Valedictorian

Thank you!!!  It is nowhere on my front page or listings under movies.  Really odd.  I’m sure I need to clear my cache or something...appreciate the assist!

Since there is not a review I can find on here, yet, I just want to throw in that I saw Furiosa, and it is fucking amazing. There’s a familiarity about it for several reasons, but a uniqueness that makes it stand up perfectly well on it’s own, as all great sequels/prequels do. Of course, the action sequences stand in

Really, the point was the friends we made along the way.

Snyder has TDS for sure.

Dan Snyder is the epitome of ‘evil rich person’--maybe more so than Trump, though my awareness was heightened by living in the D.C. viewership area and reading the annual news story that was reprinted every single year (and added to when appropriate) of all the horrible crap he pulled as owner of the Redskins. 

Are you fucking kidding me he’s making a sequel? Hopefully he casts a different Jesus this time around since ol’ Jim is getting long in the tooth....not that I’ll see it—I love blood in horror movies but can do without it in my biblical re-enactments thank you very much. Though from what I understand the first one was

For a minute I thought you meant the kid from Futurama and was really confused

I’m on older straight man from the south, and it’s true no matter your orientation. Alabama STILL doesn’t want to outlaw 14-year-olds getting married. It’s always been gross, it’s always gone on, and being from the south is a continuous embarrassment.  

I definitely agree with the assertation that “not all sexual misconduct things are equal” as far as the statement that it’s not fair to lump him in with Weinstein. Reminds me of that Aziz Ansari story that was basically he got drunk with a first date, they got naked but she later decided she was uncomfortable and

Totally a point. Sometimes it’s too much and too messy—then the only ones I tend to read of the series with convoluted histories and timelines are the storylines I hear buzz about (Batman and X-Men immediately come to mind)—so when it gets big and convoluted—like Star Wars—fans like me tend to gravitate

The few notes of Popular they played did not give me hope.  That’s my personal favorite song from the soundtrack and Chenowith (and a few others I’ve seen over the years) kills it.  A lot of that is due to the fact that they are actors who understand how funny that song is and play into it while each making it their

Haha right--like too many other musicals Wicked is definitely front-loaded.  If they do divide it into two parts I’ll watch part 2 at home.

This trailer gave me hope they aren’t doing that...but it’s hard to tell for sure.  From the play it looks like a whole lot of it is covered in the trailer...

Yeah the wait for this (so obviously needed to be made) movie has been a very long time so there’s no way I’m missing it.   The trailer would have to be Cats levels of bad.  While this one is under-whelming (and too shiny) it looks far, far better than Cats.

I saw it twice in theaters myself, and have watched it once or twice since.  Still not seen it anywhere near as many times as the original, but it is a very, very good movie (and exceptionally well directed).  In several ways it surpasses the original...and in several ways it doesn’t.

Okay I agree with a lot of this, but it’s been so long I’m drawing a blank as to who you might be referring to as the coolest character that got dispatched in short order?

They’ve asked to be referred to as “A Parliament of Randy’s”. Kids these days—amirite?

it really is--hell these comments are a debate most of the time anyway (you know, between snark) --why not have the writer participate?  I like it--except for all the racist stuff they deleted, of course.  That was a little over the top.

The entirety of the Clone Wars series was between movies and while it isn’t all great, a lot of it is very good.  Expanding the lore and giving it time to breathe was one of the best things about it--plus it’s fun tendency to fill in holes in the prequels was enjoyable if not entirely necessary, and some of those
