The Bourne Valedictorian

What’s fun about this comment is I have no idea which movie you are arguing for, since this is sort of accurate for both movies.

I get your point, since my kids love the prequels and I did not...but I will say my appreciation of them has grown seeing them through my kids’ eyes. A perfect example: my oldest asked me to see the theatrical release of Return of the Jedi when it was back in theaters last year (how could anyone possibly say no to

I just watched it again a couple of weeks ago.  Such a fun movie, and Pine seems like he’s having a great time in it.

Hell or High Water is such a great movie.  Nearly perfect from beginning to end--and that cast is spectacular.  Been a hot minute since I’ve seen it, but I do remember being impressed with just how perfect everyone in it was.

Well we certainly won’t trust your judgement, being so familiar with D-’s and all.

At least he’s not blaming the ‘woke left’ and ‘pc culture’ or whatever, as that is definitely a washed-up, angry old man, loser move.  Even if the movie is terrible, it’s had no effect on how strangely cool Chris Pine is.

I’m the same way about Con Air.

I have to see how Sugar ends before I have ANY trust for new Apple Sci-fi shows. Silo and Severance were both great, and I’ve enjoyed enough of Foundation that it’s gotten me through the lulls. Invasion I sort of watch but sort of don’t pay attention since I only care about 1/3 of the characters. I tried Constellation

I had the almost exact same experience with it.  I don’t think it was marketed quite right, as I thought it had much more a Jaws “adventure movie” than a straight horror movie.

That’s not a bad description, honestly.  It feels a lot more like Jaws than Get Out.

Nope is the correct answer. Midsommar being overrated is just flat out wrong, though.

I finally watched unfrosted and overall, I regret it! None of it works, it’s lazy, tired and largely incoherent! The weirdest part is that he seems to take most of his cues from those old ‘parody movie!’ horrible pieces of shit that simply thought recreating a thing people might recognize counts as humor. Which means t

The last 45 minutes are just him saying “but you did it, right?  No, seriously, you totally did it”

this was quite a journey, but you all made it here pretty admirably and relatively unscathed!

Even without the Baby Reindeer portion of this headline it’s still true.  

I’m betting it’s a multi-verse thing.  Only way they give this away this soon before the film is if they dispatch him in the first act.

It’s the only trilogy that comes to mind where the movies got progressively better as they went.  War was friggin’ great, and so unexpected.

There were definitely some aspects of the comics that were Ennis at his over-the-top worst, but the general ideas for the stories were pretty solid (with roots, of course, in Watchmen and all the other ‘if superheroes were real they’d probably be awful’ stories).  Even with an issue cap, series after series of The

Honestly Gen V was so much better than I was expecting it to be that I’m not sure this series will live up to it.

The internet knows your true feelings towards Aaron Carter.