The Bourne Valedictorian

I feel like the original comment was facetious, but who even knows with kids and the interwebs these days?

Biggest laugh of the entire episode for me was “’til he drinks”.  Bad sketch but a couple of funny moments.

yeah it was an odd bit for sure.  One of those ideas that’s funnier in theory than practice I think.

Yeah I dug it overall since the last 30-minutes were balls to the wall, and had the kind of twisty-turny stuff I was expecting a little earlier.  “Twists” might be too strong....”unexpected story turns” is a little closer, but still, it was juuust enough.  I don’t see myself rewatching this one like I do “Ready or

I just watched Infestation and for a spider movie it really delivers.  Can’t have cost too much to make, but still looked impressive enough with clean effects.  Spiders don’t usually bother me, but there are a LOT of spiders in this movie.

I think it would have been more fun if they’d gotten to where we knew they were going a lot faster.  Trying to build character is fine, but those guys had no character, though I was glad they gave Dan Stevens something to do before it was over.

Hoping Maxxxine will be the top of this end of year list. Man am I excited to see that.

To be fair, Durst was the one that explicitly said he committed murder.  Which was absolutely one of the most shocking moments I’ve ever seen in a documentary.  I’m sure they had lawyers that had their shit together about what they could use, and apparently it was ‘anything and everything’.

The young girl doing weird things to a potato bothered me the most for some reason...

It did feel like ‘peak Weinstein’ levels for a while.

I watched it too and this is obviously a ‘saving face’ move by him, since the series seemed to cover it’s bases by including all the required disclaimers.  Not sure how it could possibly be found in his favor, especially considering he had this rep long before the recently released documentary.  I know I heard a lot

Hadn’t Hillary made a couple of guest appearances by the time Trump hosted?

So he was right!

Glad to see this is getting decent reviews.  I loved the characters in a bittersweet way, and they ended up turning into one of the more fun and somehow lighthearted series in the Vertigo line (back when that was a thing).  

I think this is how Marvel ultimately decides which movies they’re going to make—just announce a bunch of wild-ass ideas and see which ones get talked about the most and make those movies.

I remembered the quote from the final scene of Once Upon a Time (and honestly, doesn’t that just sound like a Tarantino line?) —but I did have to read it a couple of times to figure out the point of the sentence.

The modern equivalent of Redbox direct-to-video is Peacock’s horror section. I am a genuine horror aficionado, and I have not heard of 2/3 of the absolute schlock they have on there. It’s honestly the single most impressive pile of shit movies I’ve seen since those giant-ass Blockbuster stores that had to have every

Kudos for taking that metaphor and stroking it for all it was worth.

WEIRD—me too!!! Brimley with that sinister undertone he had in moments of The Thing and even (to a lesser degree, of course) Cocoon is what I was picturing in my head throughout this book.

His style is fascinating as I always dislike it, until the moment I find the ‘groove’ of it and then can’t stop reading until it’s over. Out of the three books I’ve read by him, this one took the longest to “take”, but was ultimately my favorite of the three.