The Bourne Valedictorian

“Crowd Pleasing” and “The Road” (in any form) are definitely not a thing.  It’s like calling “Schindler’s List” a crowd pleaser.  It was fine but couldn’t ever hold the gravitas of the book--there just wasn’t a possibility that it could.  

I mean, they were fine, I guess?  I still think 4 is the best after 1, then all the rest are kind of lesser versions of the original.  5 and 6 were pretty solid entries --I can’t speak to over-rated since I really wasn’t aware that anyone thought of them as anything more.

All ‘twists’ are plot developments, just ones intended to be a surprise or difficult to guess.

I don’t think there’s a version of marketing for this that can make the first 45-minutes better— they are weak with or without the twist or reveal or whatever you want to call it. The cast just isn’t that interesting until shit goes off the rails. If they were written even a bit better then it could have been marketed

yeah I watched it all as it was just enough to hold my interest...but barely.  It’s a sort-of intriguing idea, I guess?  But even the show doesn’t seem too interested in exploring the mystery of it all so I struggle to figure out why I should care.  There’s enough other stuff out there that I AM interested in that

yeah and thinking back I think it was mutant rats that gank you straight out of the very first vault in Fallout 1

Yeah (just like Ready or Not) there had to be a way to market this without giving that part away and still make it look fun—it was fun, and delivered slightly more than I was expecting. Problem is after Ready or Not those expectations are higher now. I do think they nailed the ending, but hopefully their next offering

“B” feels fair to me, but I liked Ready or Not more than the reviewer apparently. I honestly think it was a bit better than this, but they both have the same issues—both were marketed giving away the “main” plot, but both are kind of meandering getting there while they introduce the characters.

The balls to add a new Survivor song AND recycle the song from Rocky III were just massive.


I can not see a montage in a film without the music from their song going through my head EVERY TIME.  

I would guess they made the song for TA first, given how fast they are able to put an episode of South Park together.

I liked it, but started referring to it as “Captain Marvel and the exposition dumps” about halfway through.  I guess they were added to make up for all the scenes that must have been cut, but woof it’s one of the best examples of “show don’t tell” I’ve seen in recent memory.

Haha yes!  That’s it--Gary!  I think the Gosling episode of SNL was still fresh on my mind when I made this comment, but I knew Ken didn’t sound right!

Interesting—I’m sure that’s frustrating, but you may want to check your TV settings? I’ve found that HDR settings turned on an HDTV will darken scenes occasionally so that’s an easy place to start. I only bring this up as I’ve not seen or heard this complaint anywhere else, and haven’t had any issues making out what’s

Number 4 will surprise you!

Woohoo pretty happy right about now that I didn’t cancel my Shudder subscription!

Ooh that would be a pretty awesome bit of casting--have him be the shadowy figure she looks up to during the meeting....

Oh man I knew there was something weird about Cooper and McLaughlin but didn’t put it together until reading this comment!!

I presumed it was the ‘shadowy figure’ they show her look up at for a split-second.  At first from the angles I thought she suspected or even knew her husband was listening, but then they show the silhouette in the window and that is likely the person pulling the strings (and presumably a PTBAL for next season).