The Bourne Valedictorian

*Never Go It Alone achievement unlocked*

Haha that is “peaky newbie Fallout” and has been since the very first game to present day.

They had clones too--one vault was chock full of nothing but Kens!  (least I think that was his name, been a while since I’ve played)

I thought she was tied to the chair during that scene?

This is always the explanation for the vaults in the games.  Vault-Tec was really good at putting the right (wrong?) people in charge to make sure their experiments got as far as they could before going off the rails (which some were absolutely intended to do).

Another fun (in a morbid way) nod to the games: all the vaults the Execs are ‘spit-balling’ get created and are canon to the games. You even get to have not great experiences in some of them (others you read about).

I mean, they were high schoolers, right?

Game player here. Some sort of hilarious examples of “not good vaults” from the game (so no spoilers for the show, also, I swear these are all part of the official game lore, though most of them you only read about later on the exact same types of computers using the same font):

I assume we’re talking the Caan version here, as I’m not sure I know anyone that made it through the remake.  The original is an all time classic.

Huh.  I’ve really enjoyed his work in comics, but had no idea about any of his personal life.  Any recommendations on what to read by him along these lines?

Huh—I didn’t know those people existed but am way less surprised to hear it. I never tried a bad karma route as I know myself well enough to know I just can’t do it. Tried a Dark Urge playthrough of BG3 and while the I did the urge stuff itself (some of it is unavoidable, while other parts are wickedly funny) overall

I don’t even know what Cowboy Carter is so that was especially weird to me.

They weren’t actually Beavis and Butthead though...

Goddamn internets...always so judgy.

Great decision on their part---no way they could have done any of the games justice with all the branching storylines, but it’s very cool how it’s structured like the games.  Leave the vault on one mission, and get side-tracked all to hell before you get to the end.

Not the tiniest bit. I’ve played them all and I’m genuinely impressed with what a good, fun story it is (while being super dark). There’s a TON of game related easter eggs (just a couple: the little vault boy dolls she sees everywhere are collectibles in the game, the Grognak the Barbarian comics up your stats when

Was Chicago from the spin off game? I know there’s two games not considered canon--the vault management game and the Brotherhood of Steel game—not sure of the names as I never played them.

One of my very first outfits in the game!  Brought back some fun memories of heads exploding in slow motion...

He’s not super-smart--the official stats list his intelligence at 4.  Which is low if you’ve never played the games.

I have played them all and New Vegas is my favorite (though 2 still holds a special place in my heart for showing me a non-Orc filled RPG could still be amazing), but people are stupid and freak out over stupid shit all the time.  The creators of this show very clearly care about the canon.  It’s honestly a testament