The Bourne Valedictorian

I refuse to believe there is anyone that hates The Ghoul, as Goggins is far too delightful and clearly having the time of his life on this show.  If they do exist then I hope to never meet them.

You’re in luck!  The sister site has the official ‘stats’ for each character posted:

I could never help myself in games and always end up playing good even when I tell myself I won’t (made for a very weird Dark Urge playthrough on BG3).  Fallout (especially 2) makes it incredibly hard to do that in all of their games if I recall correctly.  Been a while since I’ve played any of them, but this show is

This entire show she’s done that!  And she definitely gives the best “you need to shut the fuck up” look while barely moving her face that I’ve ever seen.

I said this far less eloquently elsewhere, but he’s my favorite character in a show full of great characters.

Holy shit this show is amazing.  I know he’s supposed to be slimy, but Yabushige steals every scene he’s in and is an absolute delight to watch.

Narrowing that down had to have been a chore, though, since apparently EVERYTHING makes Gosling laugh.

She’s felt like one of the weaker cast members (just above the ones you know won’t be around next year) but has really been getting her moments this season.

It always makes me laugh, even though it’s definitely too much sometimes. Heidi Gardner just losing it when she saw Butthead was impossible for me not to laugh at. I’d do terrible on this show.

3 was easily the best of the series, and the “dogs are acting funny” scene is still the funniest sight gag of the entire series.

My first thought, too.  “Beloved” is a far too strong word.  “Not as bad as most, but certainly not worthy of kick-starting a genre” is more accurate for me.  There were some funny scenes, but most were so obvious they landed with a thud.  1 was okay, 2 was not good at all, 3 had the best jokes of the series, and the

“She Knows What She Did”

I’m looking forward to the Kleenex movie!

Wait a minute, I thought they “went woke and went broke”?  You’re telling me they still had two woke movies in the top ten???  Perhaps they need to be MORE woke!

Glad to hear it! I always appreciate a solid movie recommendation, especially something I’ve never heard of like this ( tens to be rare as I’ve got a pretty solid circle of movie “friends”)

I hope this is true as that is a great story--every family has one, don’t they?

Gotta say it was a great call NOT to bring back those characters that I think many of us long-timers are still pretty sick of (though it was a smart call of Target to throw an ad in last night) as I was genuinely dreading the return of most of them. The movie-reviewing Aunt was just enough.

Green Room is so damn good for being such a simple film.  I would have never believed Patrick Stewart could be terrifying until that movie.  Anton Yelchin’s best movie in a career far too short.

Thanks to this comment and my love of Blue Ruin I had to look up Cold in July--just finished it, and man what a ride!  Talk about a film going to completely unexpected places.

Nah it’s a great point.  The only way any of it serves the story (and then just barely) is to show what terrible, terrible people they are and how it’s the poor that suffer in these things.  It’s so excessive it would be comical if it weren’t so horrible.  I tried to read them all back-to-back and had to take a break